Wednesday, 29 June 2016

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

Parish Priest:  Fr Mike Delaney Mob: 0417 279 437;
Assistant Priest: Fr Alexander Obiorah 
Mob: 0447 478 297;
Postal AddressPO Box 362, Devonport  
Parish Office:  90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 3pm)
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
Secretary: Annie Davies / Anne Fisher 
Pastoral Council Chair:  Jenny Garnsey
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Mass Times:
Weekly Homily Podcast:   
Year of Mercy Blogspot:

Our Parish Sacramental Life

Baptism: Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for attending a Baptismal Preparation Session and booking a Baptism date.

Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.

Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a Pre-marriage Program

Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests

Reconciliation:  Ulverstone - Fridays (10am - 10:30am)
                        Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
                        Penguin    - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Care and Concern: If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office.

Weekday Masses 5th - 8th July, 2016                               
Tuesday:       9:30am Penguin
Wednesday:     9:30am Latrobe
Thursday:       12noon Devonport
Friday:          9:30am Ulverstone

Mass Times Next Weekend 9th & 10th July, 2016
Saturday Vigil:     6:00pm Penguin & Devonport
Sunday Mass:      8:30am Port Sorell
               9:00am Ulverstone
            10:30am Devonport
            11:00am Sheffield  
                       5:00pm Latrobe                                                                               

Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.

Legion of Mary: Sacred Heart Church Community Room, Ulverstone, Wednesdays, 11am

Christian Meditation:
Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.

Prayer Group:
Charismatic Renewal
Devonport, Emmaus House - Thursdays 7.00pm
Meetings, with Adoration and Benediction are held each Second Thursday of the Month in OLOL Church, commencing at 7.00 pm


Ministry Rosters 9th & 10th July, 2016

Readers: Vigil: M Gaffney, M Gerrand, H Lim 10:30am F Sly, J Tuxworth
Ministers of Communion: Vigil 
B & B Windebank, T Bird, J Kelly, 
R Baker, B Windebank
10.30am: S Riley, M Sherriff, 
R Beaton, M O’Brien-Evans,
D & M Barrientos
Cleaners 8th July: 
P Shelverton, E Petts
15th July: K.S.C.
Piety Shop 9th July:  R Baker   10th July: K Hull  
Flowers: A O'Connor                                                   

Reader:  B O’Rourke   
Ministers of Communion:  M Mott, M Fennell, L Hay, T Leary
Cleaners: B & V McCall, G Doyle   Flowers: M Webb   
Hospitality:  M McLaren

Greeter: J & T Kiely Commentator:  Y Downes        Reader:  Y Downes
Procession: T Clayton, E Nickols 
Ministers of Communion: S Ewing, M Hiscutt
Liturgy:  Pine Road Setting Up: A Landers Care of Church: Y & R Downes

Reader: M Eden   Ministers of Communion: P Marlow, I Campbell   Procession: M Clarke    Music: Jenny

Port Sorell:
Readers:  M Badcock, L Post Ministers of Communion: P Anderson, B Lee   Clean/Flow/Prepare: A Hynes


Readings this Week: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14 
Second Reading: Galatians 6:14-18 
Gospel: Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

I come to stillness in the way that suits me best, conscious of the Lord’s loving gaze upon me at this very moment … a gaze of peace and mercy. Presently, I settle to read the Gospel passage, open to how the Holy Spirit leads me. Perhaps I place myself with the 72 … watching Jesus, noticing how he calls them in pairs – and calls me – to venture out as labourers for God’s harvest. Perhaps I reflect on how it would be if Jesus asked me to visit a place, knowing that he himself would soon be arriving after me. I take time to ponder ... How do I feel? The disciples’ initial greeting is always to be ‘Peace to this house’. I may simply spend time lingering over these words, bringing to the Lord places and people I know that are in need of peace. Or I may stay to see how the disciples are received in each place … with warmth ... interest ... hostility…? Perhaps I think of the ways in which I know the Kingdom of God is near to me … and how it feels when I try to share this with others. I spend time in conversation with the Lord, confident of his love for me, whatever my strengths and weaknesses. How do I want to respond now? In time, I slowly end my time of prayer, asking the Lord to deepen my desire to labour alongside him to help bring in the harvest.

Readings Next Week: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 
Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 
Gospel: Luke 10:25-37

Your prayers are asked for the sick:
Connie Fulton, Wendy Lander, Mary Powell, Joan Singline, Lorna Jones, Geraldine Roden, Joy Carter &..........

Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Basil Triffett, Rita Hord, Ruth Lewis, Allan Cassidy and Mary Allford.

Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time: 
29th June – 5th July
Hedley Stubbs, Rosslyn Wilson, Leonard Hamilton, Donald Wilson, Eileen White, Hazel Gaffney, Kathleen Edwards, Ellen Joyce, Mary Woodcock, Pamela Withers, Kora Pembleton, Paul Mulcahy, Laurance Gibbons, 
Maud Powell, John Cochrane, Marcella Rech, Marjorie Parsissions 
and Donald Barry.
      May they Rest in Peace


Today marks the day that all Catholics from all over Australia come together to celebrate and acknowledge the Traditional Owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years and acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship that Indigenous people bring to the Catholic Church in Australia.

Holy Father, God of Love,
 You are the Creator of this land and of all good things.
Our hope is in you because you gave your son Jesus to reconcile the world to you.
We pray for your strength and grace to forgive, accept and love one another,
As you love us and forgive and accept us in the sacrifice of your Son.
 We ask this through Christ our Lord.

When I looked at the time clock to work out what time it was in Devonport and I sit down to write this (3.15am Thurs your time 6.15pm Wed) I also saw the temperatures for the places I've been over these 5 weeks - Baltimore 26C, Halifax 17C and Ireland 16C - with Devonport currently 12.5C and rising to 13C later in the day!!! Almost like the Irish weather. The people keep asking what Tasmania is like and I say to them 'look out the window!'

I am well into my 'lasts' of everything. Tonight is my last night in a B&B - tomorrow I go to stay with a friend for 4 nights and then I'll catch up with another friend over by the airport as I get ready to start the journey home on Tuesday morning. I've had a couple of really grand days with my friend (Fr) Tony Mullins in Dromin Parish in Co Limerick. Tony was one of the group who were in Israel in 2013 and we chatted over the past year or so about Parish Renewal. On Monday evening he introduced me to a priest who convened a Diocesan Synod for Limerick in April and we talked about how they had gone about it and some of the outcomes and what these will mean for their diocese into the future. Rest assured I'm not starting any of that in Mersey Leven in these next few weeks.
As we finished dinner on Monday evening we saw that Iceland had defeated the England Football team - and the comments of the Irish were that now the Brits had joined the rest of their country in leaving the EU.
I voted earlier today at the Embassy in Dublin. Like many of you (I suspect) I wondered what impact my solitary vote might make to the end result but I know that there is growing anger in the UK (as I write this) about the young people who are angry that the UK left the EU but only 34% voted and so, in reality, lost their right to complain. At least in our system those who get elected do so because everyone (or at least almost everyone) voted - I hope that we did it with some thought and some prayer so that our efforts weren't wasted. After voting I must admit that I did something I wouldn't normally do (especially since I normally vote as close to 8am as possible) - I had a glass of Guinness as part of the tour of the Guinness Factory and got a certificate for having been able to master the art of pouring a good Guinness. If nothing else I have one certificate for succeeding at something during my time away!!

Take care and I'll see (some of you) next weekend


Greeting cards and beanies will be on sale after 9am Mass in the Community Room, Sacred Heart Ulverstone this Sunday. Stitched cards $3.00, photographic cards $1.00, beanies $3.00. All proceeds to the East Timor Mission.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION: Next weekend in Devonport, Ulverstone, Port Sorell, Latrobe and Penguin to assist the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 31st July at Emmaus House, Devonport commencing with the shared tea at 6pm. Any men interested in the Knights are invited to come along.

Make sure you pick up the monthly library handout from your church foyer this weekend.     Library opening hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.


Our Penguin and Ulverstone Vinnies Shops are in urgent need for volunteers. Join us and help us deliver much needed services to the community in a rewarding and flexible environment.

To join or to find out more please call 6333:0822 or email admin@vinniestas,

FOOTY POINTS MARGIN TICKETSRound 14 – Collingwood won by 48 points Winners: P Burnett, T Ryan

Please remember that each week our Footy Margin tickets are for the
 (Even if there are games played on the Thursday night)

Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.  Eyes down 7.30pm!
Callers for Thursday 7th July – Jon Halley & Alan Luxton


Archdiocesan Website:  for news, information and details of other Parishes.

There is now only two weeks until our Tasmanian pilgrims depart on their pilgrimage to World Youth Day Krakow via Rome, Assisi, Milan, Czestochowa, Auschwitz, and Wadowice before meeting with Pope Francis and millions of young people from around the world. Thank you for your prayers and support throughout their preparation, please continue to pray for our pilgrims.
You can follow our pilgrimage online and show your support for our pilgrims by liking our Facebook page. By doing so you can enjoy photos, videos and comments from our pilgrims as you share in their journey, and you can show your support with your own comments. Please go to: and select ‘like’.

This week on The Journey Fr Stephen Varney continues his reflects on the Gospel of Luke; We hear from Sr Hilda Scott OSB, Peter Gilmore in Living the Gospel, Sam Clear in Walking the Walk challenges us to meet God in the “Silence” and Bruce Downes The Catholic Guy challenges our “Busyness.”  Add to that some great music and interviews with people doing amazing things right around the globe and you’ve got a show that is all about faith, hope love and life.   Go to or  where you can listen anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email.


Wednesday, 22 June 2016

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

Parish Priest:  Fr Mike Delaney Mob: 0417 279 437;
Assistant Priest: Fr Alexander Obiorah 
Mob: 0447 478 297;
Postal AddressPO Box 362, Devonport  
Parish Office:  90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 3pm)
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
Secretary: Annie Davies / Anne Fisher 
Pastoral Council Chair:  Jenny Garnsey
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Mass Times:
Weekly Homily Podcast:   
Year of Mercy Blogspot:

Our Parish Sacramental Life

Baptism: Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for attending a Baptismal Preparation Session and booking a Baptism date.

Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.

Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a Pre-marriage Program

Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests

Reconciliation:  Ulverstone - Fridays (10am - 10:30am)
                        Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
                        Penguin    - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Care and Concern: If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office.

Weekday Masses 28th June - 1st July, 2016                               
Tuesday:     11:00am Penguin … St Irenaeus 
Wednesday:  9:30am Latrobe
Thursday:    12noon Devonport
Friday:        9:30am Ulverstone
                12noon Devonport

Mass Times Next Weekend 2nd & 3rd July, 2016
Saturday:            9:30am Ulverstone
Saturday Vigil:        6:00pm Penguin & Devonport
Sunday Mass:         8:30am Port Sorell
                 9:00am Ulverstone
                10:30am Devonport
                11:00am Sheffield  
                         5:00pm Latrobe                                                                               


Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.

Legion of Mary: Sacred Heart Church Community Room, Ulverstone, Wednesdays, 11am

Christian Meditation:
Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.

Prayer Group:
Charismatic Renewal
Devonport, Emmaus House - Thursdays 7.00pm
Meetings, with Adoration and Benediction are held each Second Thursday of the Month in OLOL Church, commencing at 7.00 pm


Ministry Rosters 2nd & 3rd July, 2016

Readers: Vigil: M Kelly, B Paul, R Baker
10:30am E Petts, K Douglas
Ministers of Communion: Vigil D Peters, M Heazlewood, 
S Innes, M Gerrand, P Shelverton, M Kenney
10.30am: F Sly, E Petts, K Hull, S Arrowsmith, G & S Fletcher
Cleaners 1st July: M.W.C. 
8th July: P Shelverton, E Petts
Piety Shop 2nd July:  H Thompson  
3rd July: O McGinley
Flowers: M O’Brien-Evans                                                    

Reader:  M McLaren   Ministers of Communion:
B Deacon, J Allen, G Douglas, K Reilly
Cleaners: B & V McCall, G Doyle   Flowers: M Byrne  
Hospitality:  R Clarke

Greeter: G & N Pearce Commentator:         
Reader:  T Clayton, A Landers
Procession: Fifita Family Ministers of Communion: A Guest, J Barker
Liturgy:  Sulphur Creek C Setting Up: M Murray Care of Church: G Hills-Eade, T Clayton

Port Sorell:
Readers:  V Duff, G Duff Ministers of Communion: P Anderson   Clean/Flow/Prepare: A Hynes


 Readings this Week: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
First Reading: 1 Kings 19:16. 19-21 
Second Reading: Galatians 5:1. 13-18 
Gospel: Luke 9:51-62

I come to my prayer gently. Perhaps I begin by making a slow sign of the cross. I entrust myself to the power of the Holy Spirit praying in me. I may wish to place myself in the Gospel scene as Jesus takes the road to Jerusalem. Perhaps I am conscious of his determination as he walks? I watch him as he beckons to me, inviting me to join him. How do I feel walking alongside him? Have there been “roads” in my life that I would rather have avoided? I see Jesus spurned by the people of Samaria. Can I recall a time of rejection, when the way I walked was not approved by others? How did I react? How does Jesus react? There are three people in the story who feel a desire to live as Jesus asks. I ponder my own discipleship; the ways I try to respond to the loving call of the King to follow his way of life. I ask the Lord, my King, to help me I end my prayer, thanking the Lord for letting me walk with him today.

Readings Next Week: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C
First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14 
Second Reading: Galatians 6:14-18 
Gospel: Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

Your prayers are asked for the sick:
Connie Fulton, Wendy Lander, Mary Powell, Joan Singline, Lorna Jones, Geraldine Roden, Joy Carter &..........

Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Fr Brian Rosser MSC, Rita Hord, Ruth Lewis, Allan Cassidy, Mary Allford, Noreen Burton, Pamela Jack, Elsie Anderson and Edgar Santos.

Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time: 22nd - 28th June
Harry Maker, Therese Lizotte, Dean Mott, Rhys Tobin, Dylan Burgess, 
Max Stuart, Anne Morton, Leslie Constable, Ruth Edillo, 
Dudley McNamara, Patricia Barrenger, Dorothy Smith, Robin Millwood, William (Bill) Wing and Terry Charlesworth.

      May they Rest in Peace

Greetings from Dublin on a Wednesday morning.  I'm about to head off to attend a Three Day Gathering of people to look at the 'The Role of the Church in a Pluralist Society: Good Riddance or Good Influence?  I met an elderly gentleman (former University lecturer) at the registration yesterday who was wondering whether anything would ever change.

We chatted over coffee (registration hadn't started - we were both early) and as we talked I remembered the words that Fr Michael White had spoken during his homily on the weekend I was in Baltimore - you can't change people but you can influence them to change. Hopefully, the discussion over the next few days will help me to see ideas that might help me to change too that I can help influence others to change.

For anyone interested in what happened at the Divine Renovation Conference (and who has been following my blog - there is a short video on the website - www.divine - which gives a really good (short) version of the Conference.

Managed to catch up with some friends and did some tourist things in the North of Ireland this week including visiting the Giant's Causeway and surrounding attractions. After the Conference I will be heading to Port Laoise and then to Limerick for the weekend and the early part of next week.

Take care on the roads and be a gift of love to each other.

God bless you and keep you safe.



Monday 27th June    10.30am – 12 noon.  Come along … enjoy a lively discussion over morning tea! 
123 William Street, FORTH.    Phone:  6428:3095   No bookings necessary.

Make sure you pick up the monthly library handout from your church foyer this weekend.     Library opening hours 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.

KNIGHTS OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS: The monthly meeting of the Knights of the Southern Cross has been cancelled. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 31st July  at Emmaus House, Devonport commencing with the shared tea at 6pm. Any men interested in the Knights are invited to come along.

Greeting cards and beanies will be on sale after 9am Mass in the Community Room, Sacred Heart Ulverstone this Sunday. Stitched cards $3.00, photographic cards $1.00, beanies $3.00. All proceeds to the East Timor Mission.

If you have an envelope, please fill in your prayer intention and return in the offertory collection or to the Parish Office as soon as possible so they can be given to the pilgrims to take with them – thank you!

FOOTY POINTS MARGIN TICKETSRound 13 – Hawthorn won by 9 points Winners: Sr Carmel Jones,

Please remember that each week our Footy Margin tickets are for the 
 (Even if there are games played on the Thursday night)

Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.  Eyes down 7.30pm!
Callers for Thursday 30th June – Tony Ryan & Merv Tippett.


This week on The Journey we have a special guest interview with Monica Doumit from Catholic Talk.  With the upcoming Federal Election, Monica will speak on Key election issues for Christians.  We also hear from Bishop Bill Wright, who again shares his reflections on the Gospel of Luke.    Go to or  where you can listen anytime and subscribe to weekly shows by email.

TASMANIAN CATHOLIC JUSTICE AND PEACE COMMISSION:  has issued a statement to help Tasmanian Catholics in their reflections leading into the July 2nd Federal Election. Please take a copy from the back of the Church.
It can also be accessed on the TCJPC website
You may also be interested in the Statement by Catholic Bishops of Australia on the Election entitled A Vote for the Voiceless. It can be accessed at

Fr Terry Yard will celebrate a Mass in thanksgiving for his 50 years of priesthood at 10:30am Sunday 3rd July at Corpus Christi Parish, Bellerive. Hobart friends and members of the L’Arche Community are very welcome to attend.

SOLEMNITY OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL: will be celebrated with a Sung Mass at the Carmelite Monastery, 7 Cambridge Street Launceston Saturday 16th July at 9:30am.
Fr Michael Casey OCSO, a Cistercian monk from Tarrawarra Abbey, Victoria, will be the celebrant and homilist. Mass will be followed by morning tea. All are welcome to join the Carmelite Nuns for this celebration.
A Novena of Masses and Prayers will be offered in preparation July 7th – 15th. Intentions may be sent to Mother Teresa-Benedicta at the Monastery.

Mersey Leven Parish would like to wish farewell and safe travels to….,
Seena, Anil, Anna & Mariya Thadamisiryil and Amanda & Brett Cleary-Schofield and family (both from the Sacred Heart Community) who are leaving to work and reside on the mainland.  
                We will miss you all!!

As we say farewell to both families we entrust them into your care.
We pray for happiness and joy to be ahead of them, for wisdom and guidance to be beside them,
And for grace and truth to be behind them, pushing them onwards into your goodness.
We know that you will always love and protect them, wherever they go. 