Friday, 28 August 2020

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

 Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

To be a vibrant Catholic Community 
unified in its commitment 
to growing disciples for Christ

Parish Priest: Fr Mike Delaney 
Mob: 0417 279 437
Assistant Priest: Fr Steven Smith
Mob: 0411 522 630 
Priest in Residence:  Fr Phil McCormack  
Mob: 0437 521 257 
Seminarian in Residence: Kanishka Perera
Mob: 0499 035 199 
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310 
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am - 3pm)
Office Phone: 6424 2783  Email: 
Secretary: Annie Davies Finance Officer: Anne Fisher

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish Weekly
Parish Mass times for the Month:
Weekly Homily Podcast: 

Archdiocesan Website: for news, information and details of other Parishes.


Come, Holy Spirit of Pentecost.
Come, Holy Spirit of the great South Land.
O God, bless and unite all your people in Australia 
and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Plenary Council.
Give us the grace to see your face in one another 
and to recognise Jesus, our companion on the road.
Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly of your truth.
Give us ears to listen humbly to each other 
and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.
Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, 
that we may live the joy of the Gospel.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age.   
Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.
St Mary MacKillop, pray for us.

Parish Prayer

Heavenly Father,
We thank you for gathering us together 
and calling us to serve as your disciples.
You have charged us through Your Son, Jesus, with the great mission
  of evangelising and witnessing your love to the world.
Send your Holy Spirit to guide us as we discern your will
 for the spiritual renewal of our parish.
Give us strength, courage, and clear vision 
as we use our gifts to serve you.
We entrust our parish family to the care of Mary, our mother,
and ask for her intercession and guidance 
as we strive to bear witness
 to the Gospel and build an amazing parish.
Our Parish Sacramental Life
Baptism: Arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office. Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session organised with a Priest.
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a Pre-marriage Program
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests
Reconciliation:  BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Eucharistic Adoration Devonport, Benediction with Adoration Devonport,
 Legion of Mary,

Please go to the following link on Facebook:

Sunday 23rd August        Ulverstone      10:00am

Monday 24th August        No Mass          ... St Bartholomew

Tuesday 25th August       Devonport       9:30am ... St Louis, St Joseph Calasanz - ALSO LIVESTEAM

Wednesday 26th August   No Mass         

Thursday 27th August      Devonport       12noon ... St Monica – ALSO LIVESTEAM

Friday 28th August          Ulverstone         9:30am ... St Augustine

Saturday 29th August      Devonport       6.00pm ... The Passion of St John the Baptist

Sunday 30th August        Devonport    10:00am – ALSO LIVESTEAM


If you are looking for Sunday Mass readings or Daily Mass readings, Universalis has the readings as well as the various Hours of the Divine Office - 


In the Gospel today, Jesus is putting some questions to his disciples.

During these times, I may be coming to prayer with some questions of my own. I ask the Spirit to give me peace.

I may like to read and pray this Gospel imaginatively. By using my senses to place myself in the scene, I might be better able to encounter the Son of the living God. As I read the text, pondering the interactions between Jesus and the disciples, I note what is going on within me.

Peter is the first to acknowledge openly that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

Perhaps I am touched by his honesty, his risk. I might now imagine Jesus posing the same question to me. How do I respond? How would I like to respond? I take my time.

I ponder who Jesus is for me ... then, maybe I consider: who am I for him?

Perhaps I can ask him directly.

I wait for his response ... Do I trust his choice of me; do I know him well enough to trust his promises?

Finally, I might feel drawn to recognise that Jesus is not someone I have to work out, but is one given by the Father.

It is through revelation, God’s gift to me that my happiness comes.

I end with a slow sign of the cross.


Your prayers are asked for the sick:

Delma Pieri, Allan McIntyre, Marlene Clarke, Val Laycock, Lauren Lloyd, Vinco Muriyadan, & …

Let us pray for those who have died recently:

Joy Carter, Sr Julianne Tapping, Fr Michael Wheeler, Geoffrey McCall, Helen Hendrey


Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time: 19th – 25th August, 2020

Philip Hofmeyer, Colin Hodgson, Nicolaas Knaap, Margaret Sheehan, Nicolle Gillam-Barber, Alec Negri,

Cheryl Leary, Kathleen Laycock, Rita Groves, Cathy Thuaire, Kevin Court, Patricia Smith, Bernard Hensby,

Jean Flight, Vince De Santis, Lyn Chessell, Niall McKee, Len Burton, Joseph Hawkes, Natasha Gowans,

Helen McLennan, John Doherty

                   May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen


Weekly Ramblings

Greetings from Flinders Island

On this day (Wednesday as I write this) 45 years ago I was just hours away from going to the Cathedral in Hobart to be ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Young. I had just finished a rather interesting and daunting lunch with the Archbishop and Dean Ted Lloyd at the Archbishop’s House in Sandy Bay.

Later that afternoon the rains came with a vengeance and when I arrived at the Cathedral there were only a few people there and I thought that the Cathedral would be only partially full. But as the ceremony began I was overwhelmed by the numbers who had gathered on a wet, cold winter’s night to celebrate my ordination.

In the years since I have continued to be overwhelmed by the support, friendship and prayers of the people I have had the privilege to serve throughout the Archdiocese and beyond through the various ministries and Parishes I have been appointed to.

Today, I would to express my thanks and the promise of my continued prayers for your support and friendship over these almost 7 years as part of the Mersey Leven Parish. Not in my wildest dreams did I envisage being a Priest for 45 years. Not that I thought of how long I would live but the priests who were celebrating 40 years of Ordination were old men and I didn’t ever see myself as being ‘an old man’.

As mentioned in the Newsletter last week my anniversary was Thursday (20th) and I celebrated Mass in Thanksgiving for the years of my Priesthood and for the countless thousands who have been part of that journey and who continue to bless my life and my ministry.

Take care and stay safe, stay sane and stay warm. 


To continue supporting the Parish you can...

 ·        Drop your contribution into the Parish Office during our usual office hours

                  (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am -3pm)

·        Make an electronic transfer of funds directly into the CDF – Commonwealth Bank

        Account Name: Mersey Leven; BSB: 067 000; Acc No: 1031 5724 and in the

        Description simply add your name and/or envelope number thank you.

·        Place envelopes and/or loose money in the giving basket at the entrance of Church

        on weekends.     

 Thank you for your ongoing support!


  O God,

Who cause the minds of the faithful to unite in a single purpose,

grant your people to love what you command and to desire what you promise.

That, amid the uncertainties of this world,

Our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found.

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