Friday, 26 September 2014

26th Sunday In Ordinary Time

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

Parish PriestFr Mike Delaney mob: 0417 279 437; 
Assistant Priest: Fr Augustine Ezenwelu mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310 
Office Hours:  Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday 10am-3pm
Office Phone6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Newsletter:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Anne Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair:  Mary Davies

Archdiocesan Website:  for news, information and details of other Parishes.

Our Parish Sacramental Life

Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office.  
Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December.  
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program. 
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community. 
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program 
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests 
Reconciliation:    Ulverstone  - Fridays   (10am - 10:30am)
                           Devonport  - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
                           Penguin      - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Scripture Readings

FIRST READINGEzekiel 18:25-28 
RESPONSORIAL PSALM:  (R.) Remember your mercies, O Lord.
SECOND READINGPhilippians 2:1-11
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! My sheep listen to my voice, says the Lord; I know them, and they follow me. Alleluia!
GOSPEL: Matthew 21:28-32

I take a few slow breaths, then breathe normally, and prayerfully read this week’s gospel.
I try to visualise the characters in this scene: the chief priests, the elders and Jesus. What is the atmosphere like? In my imagination, I see their clothes, I hear their voices.
I focus on the story of the two sons. Maybe I feel drawn to bringing the story into the 21st century and to imagine parents and their children. What would be the setting? Does it throw a different light on the situation?
Perhaps I see myself as one of the sons. Which one am I drawn to be? It could be that at some time in my life I have been like one son, then the other. I ponder.
Jesus opposes two very different categories of people trying to enter his Kingdom: the religious authorities and the tax collectors and prostitutes.
I look at the people around me. How readily do I put them into categories and decide which ones are making their way into the Kingdom of God? In the same way have I ever felt that others had judged me wrongly? I speak to the Lord about what is in my heart.
When I am ready, I slowly bring the strands of my prayer together and thank the Lord for being with me.

Weekday Masses 30th September - 4th October, 2014
Tuesday:      9:30am  Penguin  ...St Jerome
Wednesday: 9:30am  Latrobe ...St Therese of the Child Jesus
Thursday:     12noon  Devonport ...The Holy Guardian Angels                                      
Friday:         9:30am  Ulverstone & Devonport
Saturday:     9:00am  Ulverstone ... St Francis of Assisi         

Next Weekend 4th & 5th October, 2014
Saturday Vigil:  6:00pm Penguin & Devonport      
Sunday Mass:   8:30am Port Sorell (LWC), 9am Ulverstone, 10:30am Devonport,
                          11am Sheffield  5pm Latrobe  

Eucharistic Adoration:
Devonport:  Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Every second and fourth Monday of the month 7:30pm      -  Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation  -  Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.


Ministry Rosters 4th & 5th October, 2014
Readers: Vigil: A Macintire, M Williams, C Kiely-Hoye 10.30am: J Phillips, K Pearce
Ministers of Communion: Vigil M Doyle, M Heazlewood, S Innes, M Gerrand, P Shelverton
10.30am: B Peters, F Sly, J Carter, E McLagan, B Schrader

Cleaners 3rd Oct:  M.W.C 10th Oct:  Knights of the Southern Cross
Piety Shop 4th Oct: R Baker 5th Oct: D French Flowers: J Cox, S O'Rourke

Reader:  K McKenzie Ministers of Communion:  P Steyn, E Cox, C Singline, J Landford
Cleaners: G & M Seen, C Roberts  Flowers: M Byrne Hospitality: T Good Team

Greeters: S Ewing, J Barker  Commentator:  Y Downes   Readers:  A Guest, T Clayton
Procession: A Landers, A Hyland  Ministers of Communion: M Hiscutt, M Murray
Liturgy:  Pine Road Setting Up: A Landers Care of Church: G Hills-Eade, A Landers

Port Sorell:
Readers:  G Duff, P Anderson  Ministers of Communion: T Jeffries
Clean /Prepare/Flowers: K Hampton

Reader: M Eden  Ministers of Communion: Elizabeth  Procession:     Music: Jenny & May


Your prayers are asked for the sick: Eloise Riley, Kieran McVeigh, Tony Hyde, Shanon Breaden, Shirley Fidler, Shirley White, Tom Knaap, Kath Smith, Jamie Griffiths, Anne Johnson, Arlene Austria &.....

Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Kaye Jackson, Pauline Kennedy, David Windridge, Anthony Van Horrik, Peggy Scanlan,  
Ted McCarthy, Joan Scully, Russell Foster, Terence Doody, Br Tony Smith, Max Davis, 
Barry Stanfield, Marion Roberts, Allan Horton, Robert Sheehan, Kathryn McLennan 
Rita & Ray Stokes and Shirley Ranson.

Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time:
Lila Bramich, Adam Hugen, Stephen Harris, Mary Forth, Peter Kirkpatrick, Irene Marston, Allan Clarke, Reginald Kelly and Audrey Abblitt.

May they rest in peace

Readings Next Week; 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
First Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7     Second Reading: Philippians 4:6-9  
  Gospel:   Matthew 21:33-43 


This weekend the 2014 Social Justice Sunday document - A Crown For Australia – Striving for the best in our sporting nation - is presented for our reflection.  There is more information below but I highly recommend this document as valuable for reflection. Also, there is a copy of the Statement Ten Steps To Being A Good Sport available with the newsletter – please hand it onto family and friends when you have read your copy.

This weekend being Grand Final Weekend will see many people happy or sad – since Geelong aren’t there I hope that it was a good game anyway. There are many passionate followers of the Swans and the Hawks (Fr Smiley & Fr Richard being two of the ‘worst’) – I know one will be happy at the end of the day.

Next weekend sees the start of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Family with Bishops from around the world gathering with Pope Francis to address issues that have been raised about the state and place of the family in the Church and world today.  A prayer was distributed this week and we were asked to make it available so please accept the copy that is available today and pray it today and throughout the time the Synod meets – 5th – 19th Oct, 2014. For more information regarding the Synod go to

We wish all students and staff of our local Schools and Colleges a pleasant break before they return for the final term of 2014 and the challenges that the last term of any school year present.

Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes,

Fr Mike


This weekend we celebrate Social Justice Sunday. This year's Social Justice Statement is titled: 'A crown for Australia: Striving for the best in our sporting nation'.
The Statement celebrate the place of sport in our national life, especially the way in which it brings individuals and communities together and contributes to our health and wellbeing. At the same time, the Statement challenges to look at sport's darker side - the potential for violence, abuse and corruption that blemish its image and disillusion those who love it most.
For further details about the Social Justice Statement, visit the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council website or call 02 8306 3499.


Baptismal preparation sessions are now being held at 'Parish House' Devonport from 7.30pm – 8.30pm on the first Tuesday of  February, April, June, August, October and December. These sessions are for any families who are thinking of baptism as well as those who have booked a date or for anyone wanting to know more about  baptism including those who may be expecting a child.

The next session is on Tuesday 7th October - 7:30pm
 Parish House, 90 Stewart Street, Devonport.


Presented by Clare Kiely-Hoye  “There was fire in Jesus’ heart.   He knew what he wanted to do: he would bring fire to the earth.” (Jose A Pagola) This programme is being offered twice: Wednesday 8th October 10.30am – 12 noon Thursday 9th October 7.30 – 9pm. Cost  $15.00   Bookings necessary  Phone: 6428 3095                     Email:

If you are looking to fill in a few hours volunteering, Vinnies Shops would welcome you at our local Vinnies stores. Please contact TONI on 6427:7100 or call into Vinnies Ulverstone, Penguin, Latrobe, Devonport, East Devonport.


November is the month we remember in a special way all those who have died. Should you wish anyone to be remembered, write the names of those to be prayed for on the outside of an envelope and place the clearly marked envelope in the collection basket at Mass or deliver to the Parish Office by Thursday 23rd October.

The 2015 Columban Art Calendar is now available from the Piety Shop's at OLOL Church and Sacred Heart Church for $9.00. When you purchase the calendar, you are participating in God's Mission and assisting Columbans in meeting the needs of the poor.

Preliminary Final held Friday 19th Sept. Margin 71 - Winners: D Griffin, Z Jones, B Green.

    BINGO Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.  Eyes down 7.30pm!
   Callers for Thursday 2nd October are John Halley and ???


Our time as parishioners of Mersey Leven is coming to an end. We have been richly blessed to be part of the community of Sacred Heart and thank you for your friendship, support and witness to our catholic faith here in Ulverstone. We have found a new 'roof over our heads' at 70 Carlton Street, New Town. We would love to see you when you venture south.
May God bless you all, Carey and Judy McIver.

CONGRATULATIONS: Jan Tuxworth who was awarded Life Membership for 30 years service to Scouts - Well done Hawk!


Solemnity of St. Teresa of Jesus: Wednesday 15th October, sung Mass will be celebrated - Carmelite Monastery, 7 Cambridge Street, Launceston at 9:30am. The Celebrant and homilist will be Fr Paul Maunder OCD. Morning tea after Mass. All welcome to this celebration. A Novena of Masses and Prayers will be offered from 6th October. Intentions to be sent to Mother Prioress.


St Rhipsime (September 30)
Chosen from an extensive list simply because of her name, I discovered quickly that this particular saint had a fascinating backstory. Now honoured as one of the first Christian martyrs of Armenia, St Rhipsime was part of a community of virgins and was renowned for her beauty. Things went awry after she supposedly attracted the attentions of Emperor Diocletian and was forced to flee Rome with the other members of the community. They went first to AlexandriaEgypt, and then settled in Valarshapat, where Rhipsimes beauty again gained notice. Brought before King Tiridates, Rhipsime refused the royal favour and was put to death by being roasted alive. Gaiana and all of the other maidens except one called Christiana were massacred by Armenian soldiers. Christiana later became a missionary in Georgia. While it is certain that Rhipsime and the virgins were martyred in Armenia, the details of their deaths were most likely fictitious.

Sept 30   St Jerome   347 - 419
Born to a rich pagan family, he was converted and lived for years as a hermit in the Syrian deserts. Reported to have drawn a thorn from a lion's paw, the animal stayed loyally at his side for years. A student of Saint Gregory of Nazianzen, he became Secretary to Pope Damasus I who commissioned him to revise the Latin text of the Bible. The result of his 30 years of work was the Vulgate translation, which is still in use. Lived his last 34 years in the Holy Land as a semi-recluse. Recognised as a Doctor of the Church, and a Father of the Church.

Oct 1   St Therese of the Child Jesus   1873 - 1897
Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, one of the most instantly popular saints of the 20th century, was canonized less than 30 years after her death at the age of 24.
A principle reason for her great appeal was her Little Way to holiness -- her example of achieving sanctity, not through undertaking great deeds, but through personal devotion and dedication. The young nun's autobiography, Story of a Soul, presented people with a compelling example of spiritual maturity and piety achieved by an ordinary young girl. Her shrine at LisieuxFrance, is still one of the most popular pilgrimage sites in Europe.

Oct 2   The Holy Guardian Angels
The Gospel tells us that Lazarus ‘was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham’.  While not being an article of faith, it is the ‘mind of the Church’ that each person has a guardian angel - as St Jerome expressed it: ‘How great the dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an angel commissioned to guard it.’

Oct 4   St Francis of Assisi   1181 - 1228

Francis of Assisi turned away from his life of wealth and privilege to live with lepers, the ‘untouchables’ of his society. He preached the idea of the sanctity of all life, becoming an advocate of animal rights and environmentalism in a time when even human life often had little value. He found joy in owning nothing, and giving everything away.  St Francis captures the imagination of Catholics and non-Catholics alike by his unique simplicity, the originality of his spirit and his utter devotion to the risen Christ.

Evangelii Gaudium

‘The message of peace is not about a negotiated settlement but rather the conviction that the unity brought by the Spirit can harmonize every diversity. It overcomes every conflict by creating a new and promising synthesis. Diversity is a beautiful thing when it can constantly enter into a process of reconciliation and seal a sort of cultural covenant resulting in a “reconciled diversity”’.

-          Para 230  from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013

A will to shape the future

We began this section last week, focussing on the idea of supporting the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society, through a bequest in your will. This week, we highlight the work of another Catholic charity, Aid to the Church In Need. We do so conscious that there may be those in your parish moved to support efforts showing solidarity towards Christians living in places touched by persecution and violence.

According to its website in Australia, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is unique among Catholic charities because “it provides pastoral assistance to the Church wherever she is poor, persecuted or threatened.” Areas of help include the training of seminarians and catechists, the printing and distribution of religious literature,  and supporting poor priests overseas with Mass offerings. Church construction, broadcasting radio programs, providing vehicles and aiding refugees are also given priority. Providing Catholic news on Christian persecution taking place around the world today is another important aspect of our work.

Perhaps include the link below in either your parish PowerPoint or drop it into your parish newsletter, with any of the above text.

Words of Wisdom – Australian Bishops’ Social Justice Sunday Statement

“Australians are passionate about their sport, whether as participants or as supporters, whether following the fortunes of their local club or their national team. Sport brings us together, builds communities and lets us celebrate the joy of movement and skill. Good sport makes everyone a winner.

Sport also holds a mirror up to our society. It reflects the best in us as individuals and as a nation – but it can also reflect the worst in us. We are becoming too familiar with violence and abuse of drugs and alcohol, both on the field and off it, on the part of players and of spectators.

"Instances of illegal betting and corruption across different codes pose a real threat to the integrity of sport and its capacity to build community. Discrimination and exclusion undermine a key attribute of sport to build bridges across social divides and show a special concern for people who are marginalised,” Bishop Saunders said.

In the Statement, A Crown for Australia, the Catholic Bishops highlight the transformative power of sport and call on all levels of society to treasure and safeguard sport from those forces that undermine its integrity.

Meme of the week

In line with the information shared above, we thought that, instead of a meme, we would share the poster being used to promote this year’s Social Justice Sunday. 


An article by Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI. The original can be found at
Anthropologists tell us that father-hunger, a frustrated desire to be blessed by our own fathers, is one of the deepest hungers in the world today, especially among men. Millions of people sense that they have not received their father’s blessing. Robert Bly, Robert Moore, Richard Rohr, and James Hillman, among others, offer some rich insights into this.
We suffer from being fatherless. However, in its deepest root, this suffering is something far beyond the mere absence of a blessing from our biological fathers. We tend to be fatherless in a much deeper way. How so?
Some 25 years ago, a French philosopher, Jean-Luc Marion wrote a book entitled, God Without Being, within which he offers a very challenging interpretation of the famous parable of the Prodigal Son.
We’re all familiar with the parable: A father had two sons. The younger comes to him and says: ‘Father give me the share of the property that’s coming to me.’ His father shares out his goods. The younger son takes his share, leaves for a distant country, and squanders his property on a life of debauchery. When he has spent everything, he finds himself hungry and humiliated and sets off to return to his father’s house, where he is undeservedly greeted, embraced, and taken back by his father.
At one level, the lesson is clear: God’s mercy is so wide and compassionate that nothing we can do will ever stop God from loving us. Many wonderful books have been written to highlight this, not least Henri Nouwen’s classic, The Return of the Prodigal Son.
But Jean-Luc Marion, drawing upon the specific wording of the Greek text, emphasizes another element in this story.  The Greek text implies that the son went to his father and asked for something more than property and money. It says that he asked his father for his share of the property (ousia).  Ousia, in Greek, means “substance”. He’s asking for his life, as independent of his father. Moreover, as a son and an heir, he already has use of his share of what is rightfully his; but he wants to own it and not owe it to anyone. He wants what is rightly his but he wants to have it as independent of his father, as cut off from his father, and as his own in a way that he no longer has to acknowledge his father in the way he receives his life and freedom and uses them. And the consequence of that, as this parable makes clear, is that a gift no longer sensed or acknowledged as gift always leads to the misuse of that gift, to the loss of integrity, and to personal humiliation.
With an apology for the abstractness of Marion’s language, here’s what he sees as the deepest issue inside this story: “The son requests that he no longer have to request, or rather, that he no longer have to receive the ousia.  … He asks to possess it, dispose of it, enjoy it without passing through the gift and the reception of the gift. The son wants to owe nothing to his father, and above all not owe him a gift; he asks to have a father no longer- the ousia without the father or the gift. … [And] the ousia becomes the full possession of the son only to the extent that it is fully dispossessed of the father: dispossession of the father, annulment of the gift, this is what the possession of the ousia implies. Hence an immediate consequence: in being dispossessed of the father, the possession that censures the gift integrates within itself, indissolubly, the waste of the gift: possessed without gift, possession cannot but continue to dispossess itself. Henceforth orphan of the paternal gift, ousia finds itself possessed in the mode of dissipation.”
The prodigal son’s real issue was not so much his hunger for pleasure as his hunger for the wrong kind of independence. He wanted his life and the freedom to enjoy life completely on his own terms and, for him, that meant he had to take them outside his father’s house. In doing that, he lost his father and he also lost genuine life and freedom because these can only be had inside the acceptance a certain dependence. That’s why Jesus repeated again and again, that he could do nothing on his own. Everything he was and everything he did came from his Father.
Our lives are not our own. Our lives are a gift and always need to be received as gift. Our substance is not our own and so it may never be severed from its source, God, our Father. We can enter our lives and freedom and enjoy them and their pleasures, but as soon as we cut them off from their source, take them as our own and head off on our own, dissipation, hunger, and humiliation will follow.
There’s life only in the Father’s house and when we are outside that house we are fatherless and wasting our ousia.

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