Assistant Priest: Fr Augustine Ezenwelu
mob: 0470 576 857
mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday 10am-3pm
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Newsletter:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Anne Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Archdiocesan Website: for news, information and details of other Parishes.
Our Parish Sacramental Life
Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office.
Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests
Reconciliation: Ulverstone - Fridays (10am - 10:30am)
Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Penguin - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Care and Concern: If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office.
FIRST READING : Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9
RESPONSORIAL PSALM Glory and praise for ever!
SECOND READING : 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Alleluia, alleluia!
Glory to
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:to God who
is, who was, and who is to come. Alleluia!
GOSPEL: John 3:16-18
Try one or more of the following ways of praying the
readings, always ending your prayer with that great prayer of wonder and
trust—the Glory be to the Father . . :
1. Read all three readings: choose the one that ‘speaks’ to
- Identify
the words and phrases that draw your attention.
- Turn
them over in your mind. What do they say to you, mean for you, remind you
of, evoke within you?
- Talk
to God and listen to what God may have to say.
- Rest
with God's response.
2. Picture the scene of the first reading - Moses climbing
the mountain after the people’s rejection of God; God waiting for Moses, and
then declaring his nature; Moses’ response to God’s revelation.
- Try
to pray this from inside the shoes of Moses and/or the shoes of God and/or
your own shoes. Use all your senses . . . sight, hearing, smell, touch,
taste. What happens? How does this touch you? What do you feel? What do
you want to share with God?
- Share
with God .... and listen to God.
3. Read Jesus’ words to Nicodemus. Ponder the love you find
there: Father and Son loving us, not condemning us, doing all they can to save
us. When and how have you experienced that love? . . . Have you ever doubted
it? . . . Who, within your reach or further afield, needs that kind of love at
this time? Can God give it to them through you? Dialogue with God . . taking
care to listen to God’s response.
4. The young men in the fiery furnace chose to suffer
rather than deny their God, and as they suffered they praised God.
- Does their experience resonate with anything in your
life . . or with your desires? Speak to God . . . and listen!
Weekday Masses 17th - 20th June, 2014
Tuesday: 9:30am Penguin (NO MASS)
Wednesday: 9:30am Latrobe
Thursday: 10:30am Karingal, 12:00 noon OLOL School Mass
Friday: 11:00am Mt St Vincents
Weekend 21st & 22nd June, 2014
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm Penguin
Devonport (L.W.C.)
Sunday Mass: 8:30am
Port Sorell
9:00am Ulverstone (L.W.C.)
10:30am Devonport
11:00am Sheffield
Devonport: Every Friday 10am - 12noon,
concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport: Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of
each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Every
second and fourth Monday of the month 7:30pm (in recess over Winter)
- Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation - Devonport, Emmaus House -
Wednesdays 7pm.
Ministry Rosters 21st & 22nd
June, 2014
Vigil: M Gaffney, P McKinnon, H Lim 10.30am: A
Hughes, T Barrientos, C Morriss
Ministers of Communion:
Vigil M
Heazlewood, B&J Suckling, G Lee-Archer, M Kelly,T Muir
10.30am: G Taylor, M Sherriff, T & S Ryan, M & B Peters
Cleaners 20th June: KSC 27th June: P & T Douglas
Piety Shop 21st June: R Baker 22nd June M Doyle Flowers: M Breen, S Fletcher
Reader: C McIver Ministers of Communion:
E Standring, T Leary, M & K McKenzie, M O'Halloran
Cleaners: G & M Seen, C Roberts Flowers: P Mapley Hospitality: K Foster
Greeters: J Garnsey, S Ewing Commentator: E Nickols Readers: M Murray, E Standring
Procession: A Landers, A Hyland Ministers of Communion:M Kenney, A Guest
L Keen
Liturgy: Penguin Setting Up: M Murray Care of Church: M Murray, E Nickols
Port Sorell:
Readers: V Duff, G Duff Ministers of Communion: L Post, B Lee
Clean /Prepare/Flowers: C
Uleen Castles, Shirley Ransom, Kath Smith, Louise Murfet, Joan
Stafford, Tom & Nico Knaap, Maureen Harris, Joy Dean, Brenda Lao, Shanon
Breaden, Jamie Griffiths, Anne Johnson, Lionel Rosevear, Kieran Simpson, Arlene
Austria & .........
Let us pray for those who have died recently:
McKenzie, Janice Crick, Kaye Barry, Miss Barbara O'Rourke, Fr
Pat McAnany, Redimer Garcia, Kevin Shelverton, Miing Vizcarra and Sr Anne Cooley.
Let us pray for those whose
anniversary occurs about this time:
Reynolds, Jimmy Dunlop, Julia Windridge, Edith Crabtree, Kit Hays, Ellen
Reilly, Valmai (Pete) McIntyre-Baker, Kevin George, Joseph Last, Joan Jeffrey, Pauline Croft,
John Ellings, Audrey Bound, Max Clifford, Harry Maker. Patrica Davey, George Davey, John Davey, Thomas Barnard and Keith Leonard.
Also James Marsterson.
May they Rest in Peace
This is a big week for the children of the Parish who are being
Confirmed and who are receiving the Eucharist for the first time – we have been
speaking to them that these two ceremonies are the completion of their
Initiation as members of our Catholic Christian Community and how significant
they are for what it means to be a follower of Christ. We pray for them and
their on-going journey of faith.
With these two Sacraments we also welcome Archbishop Julian to the
Parish for the weekend. Whilst he will be focussing mainly on Devonport on
Saturday evening and Ulverstone on Sunday morning it is my first opportunity to
share something of the Parish with him. We will be having a quick look at some
of the Parish Properties just so that he might be a little more familiar with
just how extensive our Parish is and how many communities are actually involved
in being Mersey-Leven. Every chance we have to tell him about how good our
Parish is – we will be taking.
I am extremely grateful to the many people who help in our Parish each
week. We are always looking for other people to offer their gifts and talents
to assist us. At present we are seeking people to assist with the Piety Stall
at Our Lady of Lourdes, Readers at all Centres, Callers for Bingo and I’m sure
there are other groups who could do with some assistance. If you are able to assist in any way whatever
please contact the Parish Office during Office hours – see front of newsletter
– and we will put you in touch with the appropriate people.
Please Note these DATE CLAIMERS:
28th/29th June for
the 125th Anniversary Celebrations for Sacred Heart School,
Ulverstone – see below for further details
July (Sat) from 10am-4pm with Sr Christina Neunzerling rsj on A Spirituality of
Pastoral Care in the Community Room, Ulverstone
Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes,
This weekend Archbishop Julian
Porteous will Confirm the Sacramental Candidates from across our
Parish and they will receive the
Sacrament of
Eucharist for the first time.
We congratulate the children
and their families and we continue to pray for these special young people:
Beaven-Duncan, Ryley Blomfield-Patton, William Blomfield-Patton, Wrenn Buchhorn, Riley Carter,Thomas Davey-Sharpe, Bella Delaney, Tristan Downward, Sarah Ellis, Thomas Gavigan, Joseph Geard, Willem Geard Mitchell Gill, Rubi Gray, Lleyton Healey, Bowen Heath, Trey Herbert, Amelia Klug, Alex Lundstedt, Vishmi Mahapatunage, Ethan Maine, Paige Maine, Bridgett Mann,Kiah Mansfield, Shakia Reyenga, Aryana Samarakkody, Samara Stanley, Pia Tucker, Makayla
Turner, Harry Urquhart, Jack Urquhart, Sophie Whish-Wilson and Marley Williams
Special thanks to Sally Riley, Mandy
New envelopes are being distributed
during June. If you are not already part of this programme and would like to
join, or do not wish to continue giving, please contact the Parish office. As
of 1st July new envelopes are to be used so please discard all envelopes for
last financial year.
- Decision making
On what do you base your decisions? Is your judgement sometimes mistaken? How do you know when God’s Spirit is
guiding your decisions?
Monday 16th June
10.30-12noon Cost
$15.00 Booking please
Phone: 6428:3095 Email:
“Spirituality in the Coffee Shoppe”
10:30am - 12 noon 23rd June
Come and chat about current issues while relaxing with a ‘cuppa’
KARINGAL MASS: Thursday 19th June, 10:30am - All parishioners welcome to
OLOL SCHOOL MASS: Thursday 19th June 12noon at Our
Lady of Lourdes Church - All welcome to attend.
Soup and sandwich dinner after Mass
21st June. All welcome. Please contribute by bringing a plate
of sandwiches or a dessert.
CHURCH ROSTERS: Please let Jenny know as soon as possible if
you are interested in taking on a role within the Church or if you are unable
to continue on the roster - Phone 6437:2400, mobile 0400 072 400 or email
Felicity Sly is looking for people to join the hospitality
team. The team currently is recommencing the cuppa after mass on the fourth
Sunday. We also support the Children’s Sacramental Team, and
hospitality at events such as Easter, and special church functions.
If you would like to talk to me about the hospitality team,
please contact me by email: or
phone 6424:1933, 0418 301 573. We can accommodate the amount and type of help
you are able to provide.
Rosters are now being prepared for Sacred Heart
Church . Please let
Barbara O'Rourke (6428:2723) know as soon as possible if you are interested in
taking on a role within the Church or if you are unable to continue on the
Students from Grades 3-6 will be performing their
production of "Kids at Sea" at the Devonport Entertainment Centre on Thursday
7th & Friday 8th of August at 7:00 pm. For all bookings contact the
DEEC: 6420:2900. For all other inquiries contact Our Lady
of Lourdes School : 6424:1744
“We cannot be at peace, eating our fill, in the knowledge
that a sister or brother lies hungry or sick at our gate. We know that such a
state of affairs is as far as it can be from the vision of God. Our God is
revealed as a God of abundance and hospitality who gives life to the world,
bread to the hungry, and Christ as our guide and saviour. God in Jesus chooses
humility, service and self-emptying as the hallmarks of a love which is
everlasting, sumptuous and rich.”
From the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Social Justice
Statement 2013-2014: Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight
against world poverty.
FOOTY MARGIN: Round 12 Geelong
won by 5 points.
Winners: Margaret Wood, Mary Stubbs.
Eyes down 7.30pm!
Callers for Thursday 19th June are
Tippett & Alan Luxton.
If you able to assist please contact the Parish Office
If you able to assist please contact the Parish Office
Evangelii Gaudium
‘...we will never be
able to make the Church’s teachings easily understood or readily appreciated by
everyone. Faith always remains something of a cross; it retains a certain
obscurity which does not detract from the firmness of its assent.’
42 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope
Francis, Nov. 24, 2013
Holy Orders?
‘It is
the sacrament of Holy Orders through which the mission entrusted by Christ to
his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time.
Orders designate an ecclesial body into which one enters by means of a special
consecration (ordination). Through a special gift of the Holy Spirit, this
sacrament enables the ordained to exercise a sacred power in the name and with
the authority of Christ for the service of the People of God.’
Compendium of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church: Paragraph 322-3 (Contributed by the Catholic Enquiry Centre
Gonzaga (1568-1591) was the eldest son of Ferrante, Marquis of Castiglione in Lombardy . In 1585, he renounced his birthright in favor
of his brother Rodolfo and joined the Society of Jesus. He died in 1591, a
little over 23 years of age. Because of the great fight he made
against impurity in a time of general immorality, he is a patron saint for
young men.
Words of Wisdom
‘Young people are threatened
by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural
inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every
Saint Pope John
Paul II
We thought this was
‘purr-ty’ good...
An article by Fr Ron Rolheiser
the original article can be found at
In her recent book, The Invention of Wings, Sue Monk Kidd presents us with a deeply conflicted heroine, Sarah, a highly sensitive woman who grows up the daughter of a slave-owner and a child of privilege. But Sarah’s moral sensitivity soon trumps her sense of privilege and she makes a series of hard choices to distance herself from both slavery and privilege.
Perhaps the most
difficult among those hard choices was the choice to refuse an offer of
marriage from a man. Sarah badly wants marriage, motherhood, and children; but,
when the man she has loved for years finally proposes, there were things inside
her that she won’t compromise and she ends up saying no. What was her
When her suitor, Israel , finally
proposes, Sarah asks him whether, inside their marriage, she could still pursue
her dream to become a Quaker minister. Israel , a man of his time who could
only grasp a woman’s role as that of wife and mother, is frank in his reply.
For him, that could not be a possibility. Sarah immediately intuits the
implications of that answer: “It was his way of telling me that I could not
have him and myself both.” Her suitor then further aggravates the situation
by suggesting that her desire to become a minister is simply a compensation, a
second-best, for not being married. She turns down his offer.
But a renunciation
does not cease being painful just because it’s has been made for a noble
reason. Throughout her life, Sarah often feels an acute regret for her choice,
for having her principles trump her heart. However she eventually makes peace
with her regrets. Feeling the bitterness of her loss more acutely on the day
her sister’s wedding, she shares with her sister how: “I longed for it
[marriage] in that excruciating way one has of romanticizing the life that she
didn’t choose. But sitting here now, I knew if I’d accepted Israel ’s
proposal, I would have regretted that too. I’d chosen the regret that I could
live with the best, that’s all. I’d chosen the life I belonged to.”
There will always
be regrets in our lives, deep regrets. Thomas Aquinas wrote: Every choice is a
renunciation. For this reason, we find it so difficult to make hard
choices, particularly as these pertain to any type of permanent commitment. We
want the right things, but we do not want to forego other things. We want it
But we can’t have
it all, none of us, no matter how full of talent, energy, and opportunity we
are; and sometimes it takes us a long time to properly understand why. At one
point in Kidd’s story, Sarah, in her thirties, single, unemployed, mainly
alienated from her own family, frustrated by society limits and her limited
choices as a woman, is living as a guest with a woman friend, Lucretia, a
Quaker minister. One evening, sitting with Lucretia, lamenting the limits of
her life, Sarah asks: “Why would God plant such deep yearnings in us. … if they
only come to nothing?” It was more of a sigh than a question, but Lucretia
replies: “God fills us with all sorts of yearnings that go against the grain of
the world – but the fact that these yearnings come to nothing, well, I doubt
that’s God’s doing. … I think we know that’s men’s doing.”
For Lucretia, if
the world was only fair, we’d have no broken dreams. Partly she’s right; much
of what’s wrong on this planet is our doing. But our frustrations ultimately
tap into a deeper, less-culpable root, the inadequacy of life itself. Life,
this side of eternity, is not whole. We, this side of eternity, are not whole.
This side of eternity, nothing is whole. In the words of Karl Rahner: In the
torment of the insufficiency of everything attainable we ultimately learn that
in this life all symphonies must remain unfinished.
This has many
implications, not least the simple (though not-easily-digestible) fact that we
can’t have it all or do it all. Our lives have very real limits and we need to
stop crucifying what we have and what we have achieved by what we haven’t got
and what we haven’t achieved. Despite the current myth to the contrary, no one
gets it all! Most of us, I suspect, can relate to some of these regrets:
I’ve raised my children well, but now I will never go anywhere professionally.
I’m very successful at work, but I am less successful as a husband and father.
I never married for the wrong reasons, but now I am single and alone. I’ve
sacrificed ordinary life for an ideal, but now I fiercely miss what I’ve had to
give up. Or, like Sue Monk Kidd’s, Sarah: I’ve never compromised my principles,
but that has a brought a brutal loneliness into my life.
It’s never a
matter of living with regrets or without them. Everyone has regrets. Hopefully,
though, we’ve chosen the regret we can live with best.
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