Monday, 9 June 2014

Pentecost Sunday - Year A

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish


Parish Priest:
Fr Mike Delaney mob: 0417 279 437; 
Assistant Priest
Fr Augustine Ezenwelu  mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address:
PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office:
90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310 
Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10am-3pm
Office Phone:
6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:

Parish Newsletter:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Anne Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair:  Mary Davies

Archdiocesan Website:  for news, information and details of other Parishes.

Our Parish Sacramental Life

Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office. 

Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. 

Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.

Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program

Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests

Reconciliation:    Ulverstone - Fridays   (10am - 10:30am)
                           Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
                           Penguin     - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Care and Concern: If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office.

FIRST READING: Acts 2:1-11
(R.) Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth.
SECOND READING: Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13                                   
Alleluia, alleluia! Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Alleluia!
GOSPEL: John 20:19-23

I quieten myself slowly. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me enter fully into my time of prayer. I take my time.
I read the text prayerfully. What do I notice particularly?
The Risen Lord comes gently to his beloved friends. He is in no rush. He does not impose. He is sensitive to where they are.
I stay for a while in the moment allowing the gentleness of Christ wash over me.
I read the text again. What image strikes me now?
Perhaps I allow myself to be amazed at how close Jesus is to his disciples. They are no longer locked in any fear or confusion. What might this mean for the Lord’s closeness to me?
I listen to Jesus as he ‘sends’ his disciples. I might like to imagine Jesus saying this to me. How does he do it? What is the tone of his voice? How does it make me feel?
I spend whatever time I have in the company of God, in the presence of the Risen Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I simply let God love me.

Readings Next Week; The Most Holy Trinity - Year A

First Reading: Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9
  Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11-13  Gospel:   John 3:16-18    

Weekday Masses 10th - 13th June, 2014
Tuesday:         9:30am   Penguin
Wednesday:     9:30am  Latrobe
Thursday:      10:30am  Eliza Purton, 12:00 noon Devonport
Friday:             9:30am  Ulverstone

Next Weekend 14th & 15th June, 2014
Saturday Vigil:     6:00pm    Penguin       (L.W.C.)      
Sunday Mass:     8:30am      Port Sorell    (L.W.C.)   
                         9:00am     Ulverstone  
                       10:30am     Devonport   (L.W.C.)   
                       11:00am     Sheffield     (L.W.C.)   
                         5.00pm     Latrobe

Eucharistic Adoration:
Devonport:  Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Currently in recess over winter
                                 - Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm

Christian Meditation  - Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm. 

Ministry Rosters 14th & 15th June, 2014
Readers: Vigil: A MacIntyre, M Williams, C Kiely-Hoye
10.30am: F Sly, J Tuxworth, K Pearce
Ministers of Communion: Vigil T Muir, M Davies, J Cox, M Gerrand, T Bird, S Innes
10.30am: C Schrader, R Beaton, E McLagan, B & N Mulcahy, L Hollister
Cleaners 13th June:. K Hull, I Hunter, F Stevens  
20th June: KSC
Piety Shop 14th June: H Thompson 15th June C Schrader 
Flowers: A O'Connor

Reader:  D Prior Ministers of Communion:  E Standring, M Fennell, E & K Reilly
Cleaners: V Ferguson, E Cox  Flowers: C Stingel 
Hospitality: Filipino Community

Greeters: G Hills-Eade, B Eade   Commentator:  Y Downes  Readers: A Landers, M Kenney
Procession: Y & R Downes  Ministers of Communion: M Hiscutt, M Murray 
Music: M Bowles
Liturgy:  Pine Road  Setting Up: F Aichberger   Care of Church: J & T Kiely

Port Sorell:
Readers:  L Post, T Jeffries  Ministers of Communion: P Anderson 
Clean /Prepare/Flowers: C Howard

Reader:  M Eden   Ministers of Communion: Elizabeth, I Campbell 
Gifts/Procession: J Hyde Music: Jenny & May


Your prayers are asked for the sick:
Tom & Nico Knaap, Louise Murfet, Joan Stafford, Maureen Harris, Joy Dean, John de Kievet, Shanon Breaden, Jamie Griffiths, Anne Johnson, Lionel Rosevear, Kieran Simpson, Arlene Austria & ...

                   Let us pray for those who have died recently:
                   Kaye Barry, Redimer Garcia, Miss Barbara O'Rourke, Fr Pat McAnany,             George Batten, Marie Butterworth, Don Burrows, Kevin Shelverton and         Sr Anne Cooley.
Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time:
Pip Revell, Delia Lynch, John Deegan, Colin Crowden, Norah Astell and Agnes Rose.
Also Hannah Marsterson.

                                               May they Rest in Peace 


This week during the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting there were a number of issues discussed that I was asked to raise in my Weekly Thoughts article.

The first is concerning our Parish Magazine. There is a real need for someone to assist with the small team in the preparation of the material for publication. Anyone who has had any experience in this area is invited to contact the Parish Office.

Secondly, in our discussion concerning the (Draft) Parish Plan it was decided that it would be made available in two formats for comment. Firstly there would be some hard copies available and as well as being available via The Document with attachments is 19 pages long so we are hesitant to print too many copies hence the availability on blogspot. This will happen within the next fortnight.

Thanks to all those who have supported our children as they prepare for the celebration of the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist next weekend – there is a report later in the newsletter. Please note that both the Vigil Mass at Devonport and the morning Mass at Ulverstone will have extra families present so please allow that people might be in ‘your’ seat and make them feel welcome. All parishioners at these Masses are invited to join the children and their families for supper/morning tea after the ceremonies.

This week (1st-8th June) is the Week of Prayer For Christian Unity and the Theme this year is ‘Has Christ Been Divided?’ a reference to the 1st Letter to the Corinthians (1:1-17) especially v 10: Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose. We don’t always do a lot ecumenically with our Christian Brothers and Sisters in the local area but we are called to live the Gospel message and this weekend as we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost we are reminded that we all share the gift of the one Spirit of God – may we make a difference in our community as we move into the future.

28th/29th June for the 125th Anniversary Celebrations for Sacred Heart School, Ulverstone – see below for further details
26th July (Sat) from 10am-4pm with Sr Christina Neunzerling rsj on A Spirituality of Pastoral Care in the Community Room, Ulverstone.

Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes, 
Fr Mike

Last weekend was a busy time for the children preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation and their families.  On Saturday they participated in a day of preparation and learning more about Eucharist.  Activities included learning more about the Last Supper, the history of the Mass, some of the items in the Church, the parts of the Mass, prayer, the real presence of Christ, the Church as the people- the Body of Christ and being sent forth.
We shared lunch together – made from the ingredients that the families brought – all mixed and cooked together to make delicious soup. A special thank you to the members of the Sacramental Team who helped on the day:  Felicity Sly (chief cook), Mandy Eden, Sally Riley and Judy McIver. 

The children also received a copy of the Lord’s Prayer at Mass or Liturgy on the weekend.  Sunday’s Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes was a Children’s Mass and Fr Mike helped explain the Eucharistic Prayer and invited the children to sit up close and see what was happening. The readings for the Ascension were also re-told digitally with a great clip produced by the Ministry class at St Brendan-Shaw College, led by Kamil Douglas.  Thank you to Mr Douglas and his students. 

We welcome and congratulate
 Matilda Solomon, Isabel Gotowski and Jake Deverell
who are all being baptised this weekend.



MEN & SPIRITUALITY:  Thursday 12th June 7.30 -9pm MacKillop Hill.   All men welcome!
“SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS” Discernment and Decision making.  
On what do you base your decision making?  Is your judgement sometimes mistaken?   How can you tell?
Monday 16th June 10:30am – 12noon  - Cost $15.00 Bookings necessary Phone. 6428:3095 email:

“Spirituality in the Coffee Shoppe”
10:30am  -  12 noon 23rd June  Come and chat about current issues while relaxing with a ‘cuppa’

CWL - ULVERSTONE: Next meeting Friday 13th June - Community Room at 2pm.

Soup and sandwich dinner after Mass Saturday 21st June. All welcome. Please contribute by bringing a plate of sandwiches or a dessert.
Its that time again and Jenny will be starting the Penguin Church Roster in the next week or so. Please let Jenny know as soon as possible if you are interested in taking on a role within the Church or if you are unable to continue on the roster - Phone 6437:2400, mobile 0400 072 400 or email


Saturday 28th June - Cocktail Party 7pm - Sacred Heart School - $25 per head (concession applies) inc welcome drink and canapes. Tickets to be pre-purchased from the school office.

Sunday 29th June - Mass of Thanksgiving at 9:00am at Sacred Heart Church with Archbishop Porteous, followed by presentation by Sr Josephine Brady rsj at 10:30am on the history of the Sisters of St Joseph in the church.
Family BBQ and School Open Day from 12 noon to 3pm at Sacred Heart School, Buttons Avenue, Ulverstone.

We will be launching a fundraiser for the refurbishment of the school chapel as a joint initiative with this anniversary celebration. 
Please RSVP by Friday 13th June to Debbie on 64252680 or

Felicity Sly is looking for people to join the hospitality team. The team currently is recommencing the cuppa after mass on the fourth Sunday. We also support the Children’s Sacramental Team, and hospitality at events such as Easter, and special church functions.
On Saturday, June 14, the young people of our Parish will be Confirmed and make their First Eucharist at the 6 pm mass. A supper will follow Mass. Parents will be providing the food, but helpers are needed to set up the hall, set out and warm up food and wash up and clean up after the supper. If you are able to assist at this event, or would like to talk to me about the hospitality team, please contact me by email: or phone 6424:1933, 0418 301 573. We can accommodate the amount and type of help you are able to provide.

Rosters are now being prepared for Sacred Heart Church. Please let Barbara O'Rourke (6428:2723) know as soon as possible if you are interested in taking on a role within the Church or if you are unable to continue on the roster.

Students from Grades 3-6 will be performing their production of "Kids at Sea" at the Devonport Entertainment Centre on Thursday 7th & Friday 8th of August at 7:00 pm. For all bookings contact the DEEC: 6420:2900. For all other inquiries contact Our Lady of Lourdes School: 6424:1744

 “The depth and breadth of poverty that still exists in our world calls us to action. That so many suffer multiple burdens of deprivation prompts deep soul searching. How is it that so many are excluded from enjoying spiritual, cultural, educational, social, economic and political freedoms? How is it that so many still lie like Lazarus at our gate, bearing in their bodies the cost of their struggle and denied access to the table of participation and solidarity time and again?”
From the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Social Justice Statement 2013-2014: Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight against world poverty.

FOOTY MARGIN:  Round 11 Collingwood won by 86 points

  Winners: Alice Harvey, Georgina Viney, Charlies Angels

BINGO Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.  Eyes down 7.30pm!
 Callers for Thursday 12th June are Tony Ryan & Bruce Peters.

Evangelii Gaudium

‘Before all else, the Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others, and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.’

-          Para 39 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013

What are indulgences?

‘Indulgences are the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. The faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains the indulgence under prescribed conditions for either himself or the departed. Indulgences are granted through the ministry of the Church which, as the dispenser of the grace of redemption, distributes the treasury of the merits of Christ and the Saints.

From: Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph 312 (Contributed by the Catholic Enquiry Centre

Feast Day of the Week – St Joseph the Hymnographer (June 14)

St Joseph was born in Sicily in 830, but had to flee his homeland due to an Arab invasion. He entered the monastery of Studium in Constantinople but was again forced to flee persecution. He was on his way to Rome, after being exiled, when he was kidnapped by pirates and made a slave in Crete. While enslaved, Joseph continued to show his love and devotion to his fellow slaves by converting some of them to Christianity.

After escaping captivity, he returned to Constantinople and established a monastery. He was once again banished when he spoke out against the iconoclast emperor, Theophilus. He is now recognised as one of the greatest poets and hymnists of the Byzantine Church, composing more than 1000 works.

Parish spirituality – Making space for marriages that collapse
The sad reality is that, in probably every parish across Australia, there will be some parishioners whose marriage won’t last. This blog reflects on a comment by a cardinal that the Church needs to ‘to uphold marriage but create space for where it fails.’
Words of Wisdom

‘He [Christ] protects their faith and gives strength to believers in proportion to the trust that each man who receives that strength is willing to place in him.’

-          St Cyprian

Meme of the week

Shout out to all the nuns who use this resource (and those who work with them, study with them, or have nuns as a presence in their lives). We keep you and all religious in our thoughts and prayers.


Every generation needs to experience pentecost for itself. It needs God’s spirit and it needs it in its own particular way.

Indeed scripture assures us that the holy spirit is not a generic force, one-size-fits-all, but a person, a relationship, a spirit that has “particular manifestations” and gives itself to each of us uniquely so that the understanding and strength that we receive are geared to help us in our own particular struggles. If this is true, if Pentecost is so differentiating, an important question arises: Where in life today do we most need the holy spirit to transform us? What are our peculiar spiritual disabilities?

Our unique weaknesses, like our strengths, are legion. However, for our generation, a number of things might be singled out as particularly debilitating to the soul: Our propensity for distraction, our tendency to see individual fulfilment as salvation, our proclivity for ideology and fundamentalism, and our obsession with sexuality. We could use a particular infusion from the holy spirit to help us with these.

For example: Distraction is perhaps the most powerful narcotic on the planet. Simply put, what this means is that our daily communion, the manna that sustains us, is distraction – television, game-shows, sporting-events, sit-coms, talk-shows, entertainment-news, scandals reported in the daily papers, pop music, movies, theatre, and the like. Not that these are bad. What’s bad is that they eventually anesthetize us: We watch the late-night comedians on TV, scotch in hand, laugh as they spoof the day’s events, let the tensions of the day subside, and sleep pretty well. Not bad, not bad at all, except we do it again the next night and the night after and onwards ever after, slowly numbing ourselves to the deeper issues of meaning, pain, justice, self-sacrifice, love, death.

For our own pentecost, we need then to pray for the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of depth, the spirit of courage, and (given the over-sophistication of so much of today’s entertainment) the spirit of chastity.

Beyond distraction lies another struggle. Aidan Kavanaugh once said: “Today our icon is not a city, whether of man or God, but the lone jogger running through suburbia, in order, we are told, to feel good about himself.” We struggle today with individualism and the problem is not just with the obvious, the all too-common breakdown of our families, neighbourhoods, parishes, and communities, the “bowling-alone” syndrome. The deeper struggle is with what Dorothy Day used to call “the harshness of love.” What we can’t deal with is the painful give-and-take of ordinary community, the habitual slights and hurts that arise in every marriage, family, community, parish, and civil group. We can’t interrelate without hurting each other. So we withdraw, jog and bowl alone, not out of an ideology of individualism, but because we haven’t the resiliency needed to deal with the bruises and disappointments that come with bowling and jogging in a group.

What pentecost needs to pour into us today is the spirit of resiliency, the spirit of forgiveness, the spirit of patience, the spirit of long-suffering, the spirit of understanding, and the spirit to not go jogging or bowling alone.

We need too a pentecost that can help us cope with the idealogies and fundamentalism (social and ecclesial) that constantly beset us like so many nasty viruses. We are forever infected with ideologies, be they of the left or the right, that block us from living vital parts of the gospel. Whether we rationalize it as protecting proper values, defending a divine creed, or advocating an issue of justice, over and over again we compromise the hospitality, charity, respect, catholicity, and tolerance called for by the gospels, all in the name of sacred cause. Our hearts, unlike God’s, are forever wanting to lodge in just one room. We need a pentecost to mellow us with the spirit of mildness, stretch us with the spirit of catholicity, and especially fill us with the spirit of hospitality so as to take us beyond the hardness that we rationalize as creed or cause.

Finally, we need a pentecost to help us deal with our sexuality. In a world in which sexual intimacy is held up as salvation, we have lost the proper balance between what our sexuality’s DNA seems to demand and the place that marriage, family, friendship, fidelity, inclusive community, and innocence hold in the overall schema for meaning and happiness. We need new tongues of fire to bring us the spirit of chastity, the spirit of full respect, the spirit of fidelity, and the spirit for emotional martyrdom, so that, even as we defend the goodness of sexuality, we are able too, on any given night, to sweat blood in a garden so as to not violate the bigger picture.

1 Corinthians 12, 7 suggests that pentecost is “the particular manifestation of the spirit, granted to each of us.” We need to pray for such a particularized pentecost to happen.

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