Friday, 24 October 2014

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

Parish PriestFr Mike Delaney mob: 0417 279 437; 
Assistant Priest:
Fr Augustine Ezenwelu mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310 
Office Hours:  Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday 10am-3pm
Office Phone6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:
Weekly Homily Podcast:
Parish Magazine:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Anne Fisher  Pastoral Council Chair:  Mary Davies
Archdiocesan Website: for news, information and details of other Parishes.


Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office.  Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. 
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program. 
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community. 
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program 
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests 
Reconciliation:    Ulverstone  - Fridays   (10am - 10:30am)
                           Devonport   - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)      
                           Penguin      - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)


FIRST READINGExodus 22:20-26
RESPONSORIAL PSALM:  (R.) I love you, Lord, my strength.
SECOND READING1 Thessalonians 1: 5-10
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! All who love me will keep my words, and my Father will love them and we will come to them.  Alleluia
GOSPEL: Matthew 22:34-40


As I settle down to pray, I take several moments to allow myself to relax in the presence of God, to become still in body and mind.
I may wish to make a slow sign of the cross, or another gesture of reverence, marking my entry into prayer. When I am ready, I turn to the Gospel text. I try to sense the emotion, the hostility, with which the Pharisees question Jesus.
I listen to Jesus’ teaching as he sums up the Law and the Prophets in a few short sentences.
How do I feel as I listen to Jesus’ words?
What is my reaction as I apply them to myself?
I share my thoughts and feelings with the Lord, speaking to him from my heart.
I ask for whatever grace I need to respond to our Lord, “with my whole heart, my whole soul, my whole mind”.
As I come to the end of my time of prayer, I may like to recall the words of St. Ignatius, that “Love is shown more in deeds than in words”.
In what practical ways am I called this week, to show my love of God by caring for my neighbour?

Weekday Masses 28th October - 1st November, 2014
Tuesday:      9:30am  Penguin 
Wednesday: 9:30am  Latrobe
Thursday:    12noon  Devonport
Friday:        9:30am  Ulverstone
Saturday:    9:00am   Ulverstone ... All Saints
                   9:30am   Devonport ... All Saints

Next Weekend 25th & 26th October, 2014
Saturday Vigil: 6:00pm   Penguin & Devonport      
Sunday Mass:   8:30am   Port Sorell (LWC)
                       9:00am   Ulverstone 
                     10:30am   Devonport
                     11:00am   Sheffield 
                       5:00pm   Latrobe 

Eucharistic Adoration:
Devonport:  Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal -  Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation  -  Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm. 

Ministry Rosters 1st & 2nd November, 2014

Readers: Vigil: M Kelly, B Paul, R Baker 10.30am: J Phillips, K Pearce, P Piccolo
Ministers of Communion: Vigil M Doyle, M Heazlewood, S Innes, M Gerrand, P Shelverton
10.30am: B Peters, F Sly, J Carter, B Schrader, P Bolster

Cleaners 31st Oct: F Sly, M Hansen, R McBain  7th Nov:  M.W.C.
Piety Shop 1st Nov: R Baker 2nd Nov: D French Flowers: J Cox, S O'Rourke

Reader:  E Cox Ministers of Communion:  M Byrne, D Griffin, K Foster, R Locket
Cleaners: M Swain, M Bryan  Flowers: C Stingel Hospitality: B O'Rourke

Greeters: G Hills-Eade, B Eade  Commentator:  J Barker    Readers:  T Clayton, J Garnsey
Procession: M & D Hiscutt  Ministers of Communion: M Kenney, A Guest
Liturgy:  Pine Road Setting Up: A Landers Care of Church: M Murray, E Nickols

Port Sorell:
Readers:  E Holloway, P Anderson  Ministers of Communion: L Post
Clean /Prepare/Flowers: C Howard

Reader: P Cotterell  Ministers of Communion: M Kavic, B Ritchie  
Procession: M Clarke & Co       Music: Hermie & Co

Your prayers are asked for the sick:  Joan Singline, Eloise Riley, Shanon Breaden, Shirley Fidler, Shirley White, Tom Knaap, Kath Smith, Jamie Griffiths, Arlene Austria &.....

Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Margaret Williams, Leon Breaden, Catherine McLennan, Jack Miller, Frances Roberts, Anne Johnson, Kieran McVeigh, Helen Kent, Christine MacDonald, Fr Paul Connolly, Fr John Nagle, Sr Stephanie OCD, John de Kievet, Zelda Wright, Sr Catherine O'Dwyer OP, Leslie Lavelle, George Farrow, Jack Grant, Shirley Ranson, Peggy Scanlan, Terence Doody.

Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time:
Paul McNamara, Brenda Wyatt, Lawrence McGuire, Margaret Doody, Bernard P. Marshall, Cyril Allford and Fe Rahinel. Also deceased relatives and friends of the McLennan family.

May they rest in peace

First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9     Second Reading: Romans 5:5-11    Gospel:   Matthew 11:25-30


Some members of the Parish Pastoral Council met this week to work through the responses to the Draft Pastoral Plan and we will be responding individually to those parishioners who responded but there are a couple of things I would like to say here.

Some additions and changes will be made to the recommendations to reflect the comments made in the responses. We were also aware that Pope Francis’ exhortation - Evangelii Gaudium - and Archbishop Julian’s document – Start Afresh From Christ – both have implications for our plan and some of the material contained there will be included in our recommendations. Another more immediate step will be to invite members of the Parish as well as members of the PPC to look at ways that we might be able to implement the recommendations regarding youth within the next few weeks.

Last weekend men of our Parish spoke about the upcoming menALIVE weekend - this will be a wonderful opportunity for men of all levels of faith to come together and journey through a process of deepening their faith and renewing the Parish.

Several significant events happen within the next fortnight. We celebrate the Feast of All Saints and All Souls – an extra Mass will be celebrated at OLOL for the Feast of All Saints (Mass was already scheduled for Ulverstone); there is the Mass for the recently Deceased of the Parish as well as relatives and friends from other communities who have died during the past twelve months (Wed 5th November at 7pm – anyone needing transport please contact the Parish House); and there will be the Open House at the Parish House, Devonport on Friday 7th November from 7pm – all welcome.

Take care on the roads and in your homes. Until next week

Fr Mike

October edition of Faith families is available now from all Mass Centres.  

Thank you for helping Jamaicans turn away from violence and crime through your kind gifts and prayers. Your generosity is making is possible for local priests and sisters to continue to offer life-saving practical, spiritual and emotional support to the people of Jamaica. Please consider becoming a 'Friends in Faith' partner with a regular monthly gift to continue your support of our vital work.

Freecall: 1800 257 296

Pat O'Halloran, the retiring Tasmanian Director of Caritas, wrote recently advising us that Caritas received $444,000 from Tasmania last financial year. Of this figure, $176,000 was contributed to Project Compassion, $91,000 to the Typhoon Haiyan Appeal and $14,000 to the Syrian Crisis Appeal. Monies donated through the monthly giving programme amounted to $44,000. Appreciation certificates have been sent to each Mass Centre within our Parish.

A meeting will be held at Emmaus House on Thursday 30th October  at 2 pm to make arrangements for OLOL Anointing Mass. If you would be interested in helping out please join us at this meeting!

Will be held in the Baptist Church, Devonport 1.30 pm, Friday 31st October. All welcome. This service is hosted by Australian Church Women with whom we are affiliated.

At the recent conference and handcraft exhibition held in Hobart, the winner of the Sir Guilford Young memorial trophy was Lorna Jones of Devonport Branch - congratulation Lorna! Reviews are available in the Piety shop.


Tuesday 4th November - BBQ, salads and sweet lunch - BYO drinks (glasses provided). Best Cup Day Hat - female or male - Lucky Saddle. $15 per person, bookings essential by 28th October - Phone 6428:3095 or Mary Webb 6425:2781
JULIAN TENISON WOODS               Facilitator: Sr Carmel Jones rsj

A glimpse into the heart of this eloquent, educated co-founder of the Sisters of St Joseph. Thursday 6th November 7.30-9pm. Donations gratefully accepted. Bookings please by Monday 3rd November Ph: 6428 3095  Email:

All Parishioners, families and friends are warmly invited to help with a garden tidy up at St Mary's Church Penguin on Saturday 8th November, 9am - midday. Please bring gardening tools!



Help is needed to accommodate the five Team members (presenters) of the menAlive Weekend on Fri 14th & Sat 15th Nov, also with breakfast on Sat & Sun mornings.  Anyone able to assist is asked to contact the Parish Office ASAP.

The Mersey Leven Rosary Group would like to thank our bus sponsor Dr. Eugene Edillo, our volunteer driver Kerry Whittle and all those involved in making the Pilgrimage a great success.

 BINGO Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.  Eyes down 7.30pm!
  Callers for Thursday 30th October are Rod Clark and Alan Luxton.


MEMORIAL MASS - Fr John Nagle:
Mass for the Late Fr John Nagle will be celebrated at Fr Nagle's old Parish, Church of the Incarnation at Lindisfarne on Tuesday 28th October at 7pm. All friends and parishioners of Fr Nagle are warmly invited.

It is hoped to have the Relic of St Anthony tour Tasmania from 16th June at the Cathedral in Hobart, 17th June at Church of the Apostles, Launceston and 18th June at Our Lady of Lourdes, Devonport. Unfortunately there is an expense involved in such a venture which has been estimated to be between $1,500 - $2,000. We are still working on the programme for each venue. The tour is very full travelling to other parts of Australia, New Zealand and Asia. Donations can be sent to D Mortimer, 15 Thornleigh Street, West Moonah, 7009. Thanks to CDF direct deposits can be made to 067000 1032 0232. Receipts will be issued for all donations.

Evangelii Gaudium

“Dialogue is much more than the communication of a truth. It arises from the enjoyment of speaking and it enriches those who express their love for one another through the medium of words.”

Par 142 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013

A will to shape the future
In this section, we have been highlighting various Catholic charities that your parishioners may like to consider supporting, particularly by leaving a bequest. Some of these charities may already be recipients of the generosity of members of your community. Previously, we drew attention to the St Vincent de Paul Society, Aid to the Church In Need, Rosies, the St Columban Mission Society and Centacare.
This week, we focus on Catholic Mission (disclaimer: this is the organisation I work for, in Queensland.) On its website, it urges people to leave a bequest in order to “fund the future missionary projects that aim to bring Life for All.”
“By providing a source of future funds, you allow missionaries to pursue their work with greater confidence today - helping them to work harder to bring aid to the poor, care to the sick, freedom to the oppressed and God's salvation to the world. And you are ensuring there will be others to follow in their footsteps.”

Feast Day of the Week – St Patrick – the place and the person
If you want to alert your parish to a particular feast day, let them know that the apostles, Saint Simon and Saint Jude are celebrated on Tuesday, October 28. However, this week, the Ordo tells us that it also is the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral in Melbourne. As such, we draw your attention to a link that tells the story of the Cathedral and a link to some background on St Patrick himself, after whom the Cathedral is named.
         For information about St Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, go to:
          For information about St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne, go to:,_Melbourne#History
        For information about St Simon and St Jude, go to: 

Oct 28                       Sts Simon and Jude, Apostles
The name of Simon occurs in all the passages of the Gospel and Acts where a list of the Apostles is given. To distinguish him from St Peter he is called the Zealot meaning that he had zeal for the Jewish Law which he practised before his call.
Jude, known as Thaddaeus, was a brother of James, son of Alphaeus. Jude was the one who asked Jesus at the Last Supper why he would not manifest Himself to the whole world after His resurrection. He is the author of a short letter which forms part of the New Testament. Tradition has it that Simon and Jude preached in Persia where they were martyred.

Words of Wisdom – Brandon Vogt, author of The Saints Favourite Books, blogger and commentator on social media

“If our aim is evangelization, then like Cyril and Methodius we must study today’s language. And by ‘language’ I don’t just mean words; I mean the tone, the style, and the form. For it’s only once we understand and speak the language of modern man that we can evangelize him.” (NB. scroll down to the third paragraph of his opening comments, at the beginning of his interview, to find this particular quote).

                                            Meme of the week

This week’s meme was found as part of a collection, available in an interview conducted by the author and commentator mentioned above (in Words of Wisdom), Brandon Vogt. His dialogue with the creator of numerous memes, Ryan Scheel, offers a fascinating glimpse into the mindset of someone who recognises that the meme – that particular combination of image and humorous text – is a powerful tool for evangelisation. It is, as the two acknowledge, a contemporary form of Mission.

(To access the full interview, go to


An article by Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI. The original can be found at

Ancient Greece expressed much of its psychological and spiritual wisdom inside their myths. They didn’t intend these to be taken literally or as historical, but as metaphor and as an archetypal illustration of why life is as it is and how people engage life both generatively and destructively.

And many of these myths are centered on gods and goddesses. They had gods and goddesses to mirror virtually every aspect of life, every aspect of human behavior, and every innate human propensity. Moreover, many of these gods and goddesses were far from moral in their behavior, especially in their sexual lives. They had messy affairs with each other and with human beings. However, despite the messiness and amorality of their sexual behavior, one of the positive features inside these myths was that, for Ancient Greece, sex was always, somehow, connected to the divine. Even temple prostitution was somehow related to accessing the fertility that emanated from the divine realm.

Within this pantheon of gods and goddesses there was a particular goddess name Artemis. Unlike most of their other goddesses, who were sexually promiscuous, she was chaste and celibate.  Her sexual abstinence represented the place and the value of chastity and celibacy. She was pictured as a tall, graceful figure, attractive sexually, but with a beauty that, while sexual, was different from the seductive sexuality of goddesses like Aphrodite and Hera. In the figure of Artemis, sex is pictured as an attractive blend of solitude and integrity. She is frequently pictured as surrounded by members of her own sex or by members of the opposite sex who appear as friends and intimates, but never as lovers.

What’s implied here is that sexual desire can remain healthy and generative even while abstaining from sex.  Artemis represents a chaste way of being sexual. She tells us that, in the midst of a sexually-soaked world, one can be generative and happy inside of chastity and even inside celibacy. Perhaps even more importantly, Artemis shows us that chastity need not render one anti-sexual and sterile. Rather she shows that sexuality is wider than sex and that sex itself will be richer and more meaningful if it is also connected to chastity. Artemis declares that claiming your solitude and experiencing friendship and other forms of intimacy are not a substitute for sex but one of the rich modalities of sex itself.

Thomas Moore, in describing Artemis, writes: “Although she is the most virginal of the goddesses, Artemis is not asexual. She embodies a special kind of sexuality where the accent is on individuality, integrity, and solitude.” As such, she is a model not just for celibates but also for people who are sexually active. For sexually active person, Artemis is the cautionary flag that says: I want to be taken seriously, with my integrity and independence assured.

As well, Moore suggests that, irrespective of whether we are celibate or sexually active, we all “have periods in life or just moments in a day when we need to be alone, disconnected from love and sex, devoted to an interest of our own, withdrawn and remote. [Artemis] tells us that this preference may not be an antisocial rejection of people but simply a deep, positive, even sexual focusing of oneself and one’s world.”

What’s taught by this mythical goddess is a much needed lesson for our world today. Our age has turned sex into a soteriology, namely, for us, sex isn’t perceived as a means towards heaven, it is identified with heaven itself. It’s what we’re supposed to be living for. One of the consequences of this is that we can no longer blend our adult awareness with chastity, nor with the genuine complexity and richness of sex. Rather, for many of us, chastity and celibacy are seen as a fearful self-protection, which leave one dry, sterile, moralistic, anti-erotic, sexually-uptight, and on the periphery of life’s joys. Tied to this too is the notion that all those rich realities so positively highlighted by Artemis (as well as by the classical Christian notion of chastity), namely, friendship, non-sexual forms of intimacy, non- sexual pleasures, and the need for integrity and fidelity within sex, are seen as a substitute for sex, and a second-best one at that, rather than as rich modality of sex itself.

We are psychologically and spiritually impoverished by that notion and it puts undue pressure on our sexual lives. When sex is asked to carry the primary load in terms of human generativity and happiness it cannot help but come up short. And we are seeing that in our world today.

Of course, as Christians, we have our own goddesses of chastity, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and many women saints. Why not draw our spirituality of chastity from these women, rather than looking towards some pagan, mythical goddess? Well, for the most part, we do look to Christian models here.  Moreover, I suspect that both the Virgin Mary and all of our revered virgin saints would, were she actually a real person, very much befriend Artemis.

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