Tuesday, 13 May 2014

4th Sunday of Easter

Mersey Leven Catholic Parish

Parish Priest:  Fr Mike Delaney   mob: 0417 279 437; 
email: mike.delaney@catholicpriest.org.au
Assistant Priest:  Fr Augustine Ezenwelu 
                           mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310 
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 
                                     10am - 3pm
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160 
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter: mlcathparish.blogspot.com.au

Parish Newsletter: mlcathparishnewsletter.blogspot.com.au
Secretary: Annie Davies/Ann Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair:  Mary Davies

Archdiocesan Website: www.hobart.catholic.org.au  for news, information and details of other Parishes.

Our Parish Sacramental Life

Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office. 

Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December. 

Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.

Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program

Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests

Reconciliation:    Ulverstone - Fridays    (10am - 10:30am)
                         Devonport -  Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
                         Penguin    -  Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)

Weekday Masses 13th - 16th May, 2014
Tuesday:         9:30am  Penguin
Wednesday:    9:30am  Latrobe
Thursday:      12:00 noon  Devonport
Friday:          11:00 am  Mt St Vincent

Next Weekend 17th & 18th May, 2014
Saturday Vigil:     6.00pm     Penguin
Sunday Mass:       8:30am    Port Sorell   (L.W.C.)   
                         9:00am    Ulverstone
                       10:30am    Devonport
                       11:00am    Sheffield   
                        5.00pm    Latrobe

Eucharistic Adoration:
Devonport:  Every Friday 10am - 12noon, concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport:  Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Every second and fourth Monday of the month 7:30pm                                                                  
                                - Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation   - Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.

Ministry Rosters 17th & 18th May, 2014
Readers: Vigil: M Gaffney, P McKinnon, H Lim 10.30am: F Sly, J Tuxworth, K Pearce
Ministers of Communion: Vigil T Muir, M Davies, J Cox, M Gerrand, T Bird, S Innes
10.30am: C Schrader, R Beaton, E McLagan, B & N Mulcahy, L Hollister 
Cleaners 16th May: K.S.C.
23rd May: E & L Edillo, E Howlett
Piety Shop 17th May: R McBain 
18th May K Hull  
Flowers: M Breen, S Fletcher

Reader:  F Pisano Ministers of Communion: C Singline, D Griffin, K Foster, R Locket
Cleaners: B & V McCall, G Doyle  Flowers: M Byrne Hospitality: S & T Johnstone

Greeters: J Garnsey, S Ewing Commentator:  Y Downes  Readers: T Clayton, J Garnsey
Procession: Kiely Family  Ministers of Communion: M Hiscutt, M Murray Music: M Bowles
Liturgy:  Pine Road  Setting Up: F Aichberger Care of Church: J & T Kiely

Port Sorell:
Readers:  V Duff, G Duff Ministers of Communion: E Holloway Clean /Prepare/Flowers: G Wylie
Your prayers are asked for the sick:
Harold Rigney, John de Kievet, Brenda Lao, Zeb Stafford, Kieran McVeigh, Tony Becker, Shanon Breaden, Jamie Griffiths, Anne Johnson, Lionel Rosevear, Terry McKenna, Geraldine and Philip Roden.


Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Bob Charlesworth, Maureen Beechey, Mary Scolyer, Michael Pankiv, David Ronstance,
Aileen Harris, Nell Kelleher, Denis Beattie, Lillian Stubbs, Sandy Cowling, Brian Harradine
Let us pray for those whose anniversary occurs about this time:
Joan Bonner, Ernest Wilkins, Norah Lillas, Ethel Dooley, Audrey Enniss, Mollie Stevenson, Kathleen Laycock. Also Corrie Webb, Enid Stubbs, Felicia Pereira, Alberto Floresta Snr, Delia Soden, Victoriano & Marciana Visorro,  Ponciano & Dominga Torbiso, Rengel Gelacio, John Jarvis.

                                                               May they Rest in Peace

Readings This week: 4th Sunday of Easter - Year A
First Reading: Acts 2:14,36-41  Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:20-25  Gospel: John 10:1-10

 I try to find some quiet in the midst of my daily activity and, when I am still, I listen to the voice of Lord speaking to me through the words of the Gospel.

I may want to reflect on the many “voices” that seek to influence me in my daily life. Many are life-giving...... but perhaps they are not all in tune with my deepest desire to follow and imitate Jesus?

As I ponder, I speak with Jesus my Lord about everything that is in my mind and heart.

I may want to ask for the grace to be able to listen to the voice of Jesus in whatever way he is calling me today......

I end my prayer slowly......Our Father.......

Readings Next Week; 5th Sunday of Easter - Year A
First Reading: Acts 6:1-7  Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:4-9  Gospel:   John 14:1-12

We welcome and congratulate.......
Delia Johnstone
who is being baptised this weekend.

 protect the lives, we pray,
 of those who have given us the gift of life.
May our mothers know from day to day
the deepening joy that comes from your presence.
We cannot pay our debts for all the love that we have received;
But you, Lord, will not forget their due reward.
Bless our mothers both on earth and in heaven.

Another busy week – starting last Friday evening with the meeting at Ulverstone (and the party as well). Thanks to all those who came out on what was a terrible night and for the sharing that occurred in the meeting.

I was able to share with those gathered (and now everyone) some facts as to why things aren’t progressing with the car park and the provision of a Bell Tower at Ulverstone. The short story is that the payment from Centacare to the Parish for the land on which the Affordable Housing is sited is delayed i.e. fully payable after 10 years with the Parish receiving interest (approx. $12,000 pa) in the interim. There was a great deal of discussion re the rights or wrongs of this process – a letter is being written and will be sent to the Archdiocese after this weekend expressing our concern that there was (to the knowledge of those gathered) no further discussion with the community about what this delay might mean to the Parish and promises that were made at the time the sale was discussed.

Some possible steps which might be possible are the widening of the current entrance of Alexandra Rd and the provision of a drive through with the exit about the pathway from the Sacristy. Also, discussion is taking place regarding other steps to provide extra car parking as well as what steps we might be able to take to build a Bell Tower within the more constrained monies available.

As further information becomes available I will be providing updates via this Weekly Thoughts item in the newsletter.

I would like to express my gratitude to Mary Binks and all those wonderful people who rallied around to support our contribution to Grans Van during April. At first it looked like we might struggle to meet all the challenges but the generosity of so many people enabled us to provide this wonderful service to the community – THANK YOU.

As mentioned last weekend we move into the next stage of the Sacramental Program for the children preparing for the Sacraments this weekend – in particular we had the Preparation Day on Saturday and at Masses this weekend we have the Presentation of the Creed – our statement of Faith. Please keep the children and their families in your prayers.

From all of us who aren't to all of you who are - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes,
Fr Mike     

ST VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION: This weekend in Devonport, Ulverstone, Port Sorell, Latrobe and Penguin to assist the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

St Marys College - OSA NW Branch ATM
The St Marys College OSA NW branch will hold their ATM and luncheon at the Blue Wren Restaurant, Penguin at 12.00noon on Saturday 17th May.  RSVP 13th May Ph. L Hay 64282773  or F Sly 64241933.

Poverty: A Matter of Justice with Sr. Margaret Fyfe.
Monday 19th May at 7.30pm at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Community Room. Cuppa Afterwards.

Pope Francis has said that he prefers a Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets. Margaret Fyfe, Director of the Melbourne Office of Caritas Australia has got her hands dirty helping those in need. She worked as Administrator of Caritas de Xalapa in the State of Veracruz in Mexico where she was responsible for their community development programs and health and legal services. Margaret then spent 13 years monitoring programs in Bolivia, Brazil, El Salvador and Peru. She has worked with and stood up for the rights of the poor and knows the impact cuts to overseas aid will have on alleviating poverty. She has a story we need to hear. For more information, please ring Richard on 0457834630. Presented by the Tasmanian Catholic Justice and Peace Commission.

Mass to Celebrate Our Lady Help of Christians
Saturday May 24th - The Patron of Australia"s Feast Day - Mass at 9.30am at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Devonport.
A Rosary will be said before Mass, starting at 9.05am.

Mt St Vincent Nursing Home - requires volunteers to assist with feeds at lunch time or tea time.  This may at times mean company for slow eaters.  If you are able to assist or know anyone who would be interested please phone Yvonne KromKamp on 64252166. 

125th Anniversary of Sacred Heart School, Ulverstone - 28th and 29th June 2014

Saturday 28th June - Cocktail Party 7pm - Sacred Heart School - $25 per head inc welcome drink and canapes.
(tickets to be pre-purchased from the school office)

Sunday 29th June - Mass of Thanksgiving at 9.00am at Sacred Heart Church with Archbishop Porteous, followed by presentation by Sr Josephine Brady rsj at 10.30am on the history of the Sisters of St Joseph in the church.
Family BBQ and School Open Day from 12 noon to 3pm at Sacred Heart School, Buttons Avenue, Ulverstone.

We will be launching a fundraiser for the refurbishment of the school chapel as a joint initiative with this anniversary celebration. 

Please rsvp by Friday 13th June to Debbie on 64252680 or shu@catholic.tas.edu.au

CWL - Devonport and Ulverstone Branches
AGM on Wednesday 14th May at Emmaus House 10.30am for a cuppa, Meeting begins at 11.00am.

Please remember that Care and Concern is available in the Parish. If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office on 6424:2783

Dorothy Woodward rsj - BaptismBAPTISM:
       Baptismal preparation sessions are now being held at Emmaus House, Devonport from 7.30 – 8.30pm    on the      first Tuesday of, June, August October and December . These sessions are for any families who      are thinking of baptism as well as those who have booked a date or for anyone wanting to know more about  baptism including those who may be expecting a child.

                The next session is on Tuesday 3rd June - 7:30pm Emmaus House, 88 Stewart Street, Devonport.

“Not only have these people lost access to their livelihoods, their extended families and their faith communities, but they are very often prevented from moving around freely, earning a living wage or planning for their futures. Those displaced from their homes are prone to disease and trauma, causing them to experience poverty at many different levels, no matter how high their education or employment levels before.
Facing these odds, it is no wonder that many are forced into desperate choices – living hand-to-mouth in slums or shanty towns, or spending their last savings on risky journeys to places they hope can protect them.”
From the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Social Justice Statement 2013-2014: Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight against world poverty.

FOOTY MARGIN:  Round 7 Collingwood won by 34 points  Winners: E Martin, S Sheehan, L Griffiths

BINGO Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport.
 Eyes down 7.30pm!
 Callers for Thursday 15th May are Tony Ryan & Peter Bolster.



By Brock

By Erin

Evangelii Gaudium
‘Excessive centralisation, rather than proving helpful, complicates the Church’s life and her missionary outreach.’
Para 32  from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013

‘Given the delicacy and greatness of this ministry and the respect due to people every confessor, without any exception and under very severe penalties, is bound to maintain “the sacramental seal” which means absolute secrecy about the sins revealed to him in confession.’
From: Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph 309 (Contributed by the Catholic Enquiry Centre http://www.catholicenquiry.com)

Saint of the Week – St Matthias, apostle (Wednesday, May 14)
According to the Acts of the Apostles, Matthias was the apostle chosen by the remaining 11 apostles to replace Judas Iscariot, following Judas' betrayal of Jesus and suicide. His calling as an apostle is unique in that his appointment was not made personally by Jesus, who had already ascended to heaven, and, it was made before the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the early Church. There is not a lot of official information about his life and even his death is unclear (both how he died and where his remains are located is subject to conjecture). He is now the saint to pray to against ‘temptations of the flesh.’

Words of Wisdom
‘Stop entertaining those vain fears. Remember it is not feeling which constitutes guilt but the consent to such feelings. Only the free will is capable of good or evil. But when the will sighs under the trial of the tempter and does not will what is presented to it, there is not only no fault but there is virtue.’
-          St Padre Pio

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