Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Assistant Priest: Fr Augustine Ezenwelu
mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10am - 3pm
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Newsletter:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Ann Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Secretary: Annie Davies/Ann Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Archdiocesan Website: for news, information and details of other Parishes.
Our Parish Sacramental Life
Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office.
Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests
Reconciliation: Ulverstone - Fridays (10am - 10:30am)
Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Penguin - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Masses 22nd - 25th April, 2014
Tuesday: 9:30am Penguin
Wednesday: 9:30am Latrobe
Thursday: 12noon Devon port
Friday: 9:30am Devonport & Ulverstone
Weekend 26th & 27th April, 2014
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday Mass: 8:30am
Port Sorell
9:00am Ulverstone
10:30am Devonport
11:00am Sheffield (L.W.C.)
5.00pm Latrobe
Devonport: Every Friday 10am - 12noon,
concluding with Stations of the Cross and Angelus
Devonport: Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of
each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Every
second and fourth Monday of the month 7:30pm
- Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
- Devonport (Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation - Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.
We have eaten and drunk with him after his resurrection
from the dead.
Peter addressed Cornelius and his household: ‘You must have
heard about the recent happenings in Judaea; about Jesus of Nazareth and how he
began in Galilee , after John had been
preaching baptism. God had anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power,
and because God was with him, Jesus went about doing good and curing all who
had fallen into the power of the devil. Now I, and those with me, can witness
to everything he did throughout the countryside of Judaea and in Jerusalem
itself: and also to the fact that they killed him by hanging him on a tree, yet
three days afterwards God raised him to life and allowed him to be seen, not by
the whole people but only by certain witnesses God had chosen beforehand. Now
we are those witnesses – we have eaten and drunk with him after his
resurrection from the dead – and he has ordered us to proclaim this to his
people and to tell them that God has appointed him to judge everyone, alive or
dead. It is to him that all the prophets bear this witness: that all who
believe in Jesus will have their sins forgiven through his name.’
The word of the Lord.
(R.) This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and
be glad.
1. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has
no end. Let the sons of Israel
say: ‘His love has no end.’ (R.)
2. The Lord’s right hand has triumphed; his right hand
raised me up. I shall not die, I shall live and recount his deeds. (R.)
3. The stone which the builders rejected has become the
corner stone. This is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes. (R.)
Second Reading : Colossians
Look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is.
Since you have been brought back to true life with Christ,
you must look for the things that are in heaven, where Christ is, sitting at
God’s right hand. Let your thoughts be on heavenly things, not on the things
that are on the earth, because you have died, and now the life you have is
hidden with Christ in God. But when Christ is revealed – and he is your life –
you too will be revealed in all your glory with him.
The word of the Lord.
Alleluia Alleluia!
Christ has become our paschal sacrifice; let us feast with
joy in the Lord.
GOSPEL: John 20: 1-9
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John
The teaching of scripture is that he must rise from the
It was very early on the first day of the week and still
dark, when Mary of Magdala
came to the tomb. She saw that the stone had been moved away from the tomb and
came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved. ‘They
have taken the Lord out of the tomb’ she said ‘and we don’t know where they
have put him.’
So Peter set out with the other disciple to go to the tomb.
They ran together, but the other disciple, running faster than Peter, reached
the tomb first; he bent down and saw the linen cloths lying on the ground, but
did not go in. Simon Peter who was following now came up, went right into the
tomb, saw the linen cloths on the ground, and also the cloth that had been over
his head; this was not with the linen cloths but rolled up in a place by
itself. Then the other disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in; he
saw and he believed. Till this moment they had failed to understand the
teaching of scripture, that he must rise from the dead.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Prego Reflection from today's Gospel
I choose my time and place of prayer . I might like to pray
this in the morning, and outside if possible....
or I allow my imagination to take me to a quiet place at
What sounds, smells and signs of life can I sense?
My focus goes to Mary Magdalene. She has gone to the tomb
early while it is still dark. I find myself reflecting on her companionship
with Jesus. What would she be missing most ?
When Mary Magdalene looks into the tomb, what does she
think? What are her immediate feelings? I take time to ponder her reaction.
When I am surprised or frightened to whom do I turn ?
Now my attention moves to Peter and John. John is able to
run faster and reaches the tomb first. I notice his reactions. Peter, the older
man, arrives maybe out of breath. I watch his reaction. Does he remember this
when he preaches to Cornelius’ household? .
What is my response to the reality of the empty tomb? I let
this take root in me.
I talk to God about the meaning of the Resurrection for me
in my own life. I might like to choose to speak to one of the three characters
in this gospel about what all this means.
Whilst we are conversing, I may be moved to ask for
gratitude and a sense of deep joy.
Reflection taken from Prego - a weekly reflection from St Beuno's Ignatian Centre in Tremerchion - Nr St Asaph, Wales
Ministry Rosters 26th &
27th April, 2014
Vigil: P Douglas, T Douglas ,
M Knight 10.30am A Hughes,
T Barrientos, C Morriss
Ministers of Communion: Vigil M
Heazlewood, B & J Suckling, G Lee-Archer, M Kelly, T Muir
10.30am: G Taylor, M Sherriff, T & S Ryan, M & B
Cleaners 25th April: K.S.C. 2nd May: M.W.C.
Cleaners 25th April: K.S.C. 2nd May: M.W.C.
Reader: B O'Rourke Ministers of Communion: B Deacon, J Allen, G Douglas, L Hay
Cleaners: K Bourke,
L Griffiths Flowers: M Swain Hospitality: B O'Rourke
Greeters: A Landers, P Ravaillion Commentator: E Nickols
Readers: M Murray, E Standring Procession: Y & R Downes
Ministers of Communion: M Kenney,
J Garnsey
Music: L Keen
Music: L Keen
Liturgy: Penguin Setting Up: M Murray
Care of Church: M Murray, E Nickols
Port Sorell:
Readers: V Duff, G Duff Ministers of Communion: D Leaman, L Post Clean /Prep/Flowers: B
Lee, A Holloway
Zeb Stafford, Kieran McVeigh, Tony Becker, Rex
Evans, Tom & Nico Knaap, Rex Bates, Terry McKenna, Lionel Rosevear, Kieran Simpson, Geraldine & Phillip Roden, Shanon Breaden, Jamie Griffiths, Anne Johnson & ...
Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Sandy Cowling, Brian Harradine, Jane Dutton, Sr
Valerie Burns, Nancye Callinan, Glen Clark, Tom & Gerard Poll.
Let us pray for those whose
anniversary occurs about this time:
Newland, Edith Tierney, Wilma Bacchin, Andrew Smith, Marie Nichols, John Redl,
Flo Smith, Ellen Lynch, Ronald Allison, Delia Soden, Ron Batten and Cedric
Also Hedley & Enid Stubbs, George Windridge Sen, Leo Kingsley, Henry
& Madeline Castles, Liam & Freda Wallace and and
deceased relatives and friends of Knight, Sheridan, Bourke and Clark families.
they Rest in Peace
First Reading : Acts 2:42-47 Second Reading : 1 Peter 1:3-9 Gospel: John 20:19-31
welcome and congratulate...
Braxton Peden
who is being baptised this weekend.
With Fr Augustine I would like to wish all parishioners and
your families a Happy and Holy Easter – we hope that you are able to embrace
the joy of the Risen Christ and celebrate this wonderful Feast. Remember that
it is not only chocolate which brings to joy to the heart – it is also the gift
of sharing ourselves with real openness and love which truly changes the world.
We hope that these days of sharing and joy will be a time for you and your
families to ‘recreate’ and be refreshed.
It was really wonderful to be able to celebrate the
Sacrament of Reconciliation with so many people at both Devonport and
Ulverstone during the week as well – I will say something more about the other
Ceremonies of Holy Week and the Vigil in next week’s newsletter.
The Affordable Housing project is almost complete at
Ulverstone and so I would like the opportunity to share something of the other
plans that have been proposed for the Church Precinct and where we are up to
with them. Such an opportunity will
occur on Friday 2nd May when I had originally suggested that there might be
another whole of Parish gathering (a follow-up to the welcome at Devonport in
February). If interested people are able to come to the Church Community room
at 6.30pm on that night for a brief meeting and then stay for the ‘party’ then
we would be either able to celebrate what is coming or ‘drown our sorrows’ –
depending on what people want to do.
I mentioned when I arrived that I would like to be able to
arrange to see all those parishioners who are housebound who receive Communion
regularly (and also hoping to find out if there are others whom we should be
visiting) – unfortunately that hasn’t been as successful as I would have hoped.
But I would ask that if you are one of those wonderful parishioners who take
Communion to the sick and/or housebound could you please give a list of your
current parishioners to our Parish Office – please write the names and addresses
down with phone numbers (if possible) and send it in.
Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes -
Fr Mike.
Novena (as asked of St. Faustina by Jesus in the 1930's)
will again be said in our parish this year - starting on Good Friday, Sacred
Heart Church Ulverstone at 10:00 am each morning, and Emmaus House Devonport
each evening at 6.30pm for 9 days. The devotion will conclude on Mercy Sunday
(the next one after Easter) with 9:00am Mass at Sacred Heart Church Ulverstone.
We invite the whole Parish to be part of this, if you
cannot make it to the Novena there will be pamphlets in each Mass Centre. Mersey Leven Rosary Group.
Next meeting Sunday 27th April at Emmaus House Devonport
6.00pm for 6.30pm. Members and interested men invited to attend.
Please remember that Care and Concern is available in the
Parish. If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given
permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office
on 6424:2783.
Spirituality in the “Coffee Shoppe”
Come and enjoy a
relaxed morning coffee. Chat about some of the issues of living a Christian
life. All welcome!
Monday 28th April – 10.30am – 12 noon
Prayer: Our Deepest Longing
Together we will explore the richness of prayer and develop
a way that engages our hearts to commit to praying on a regular basis.
Facilitator: Maureen O’Halloran Bookings appreciated. Cost: $50 Five sessions on Thursday evening
during May: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th
The “Josephite Spirit”
Due to unforeseen circumstances the seminar entitled the
Josephite Spirit. Saturday 3rd May is cancelled until further notice.
Email: Phone: 6428:3095
$124.00 was raised for the Easter raffle held recently at
Sacred Heart Church Ulverstone . Thank
you everyone!
“The needs of people with disabilities remind us of the
respect that must be accorded to the most vulnerable. The ministry we share
with Christ reminds us of the sacredness of life from conception until death
and the innate human dignity of each person throughout their life. In every
person we see the image of God before us, no matter how great their need or
challenging their circumstances.”
From the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Social Justice
Statement 2013-2014: Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight
against world poverty.
FOOTY MARGIN: Round 4 Collingwood
won by 38 points Winners: B Windebank, Smith Family.
Callers for Thursday 24th April are Rod Clark & Bruce Peters
Catholic Youth Ministry sends an enormous thank you to
everyone who came along to join in Palm Sunday Pilgrimage and make it the great
celebration of World Youth Day, our Tasmanian
Church and Palm Sunday
that it was! A heartfelt thanks to all who contributed in ways big and small to
the running of the day, especially the Organising Committee, Special Guests,
Musicians, Sponsors, Donors, and all Volunteers!
We appreciate the feedback of those who attended to assist
in the planning of future events. Please take two minutes to complete our
online survey at:
Evangelii Gaudium
‘I dream of a
“missionary option,” that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming
everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and
schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the
evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.’
Para 27 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov.
24, 2013
When is a person obliged to confess mortal sins?
Each of the faithful who has
reached the age of discretion is bound to confess his or her mortal sins at
least once a year and always before receiving Holy Communion.
From: Compendium
of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph 305 (Contributed by the Catholic
Enquiry Centre
Saint of the Week – ANZAC
Day (April 25)
There are no
feast days listed for saints during the week after Easter. However, with ANZAC
Day falling on the Friday immediately after this sacred time in the Church
year, it is appropriate for parishes to acknowledge those who gave their lives
in the service of their country. Just bear in mind, as you prepare Masses or
Liturgies for this time: ‘the Octave of Easter takes precedence over any other
commemoration. The Easter prayers and readings will provide suitable texts for
remembering the fallen and ANZAC themese can find expression in the music,
homily, intercessions and church decorations.’ (The Ordo, 2014 p 61).
In the meantime,
to help you prepare for ANZAC Day, however your community chooses to celebrate
it, here are some useful links:
The link below
offers a reflection on the significance of ANZAC Day, by a staffer at the
Catholic Enquiry Centre in Sydney .
This is a link
to a conference paper that suggests that ANZAC Day could be considered as Australia ’s All
Soul’s Day.
The website of the National Office for the Participation
of Women offers a prayer suitable for ANZAC Day.
Website supports a Catholic response to climate change
If you and members of your parish
have ever wondered about how Catholics could, and should, respond to the issue
of global warming, this is a website worth checking out. The Catholic
Climate Covenant (previously, the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change) was
formed in 2006 with the support of both the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) and the National Religious Partnership for the Environment.
Words of Wisdom
According to
the Ordo, ‘the 50 days from Easter
Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in joyful exultation, as one feast day, or
better, as one “great Sunday”.’ This resource also reminds those of us
responsible for preparing liturgies and weekend Masses that ‘these [Sundays]
above all others are the days for singing of the Alleluia.’
The Ordo 2014
of the week
This meme is featured on
a blog simply called A Lay Catholic.
I like it, for its simplicity – simple lay-out, simple title and the simple quote
at the top of the page, from GK Chesterton: ‘The
riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of man.’ This meme also
is pretty funny (especially if you are a fan of The Family Guy.)
Our History
Palms Australia started in Sydney in 1956 as the Paulian Association. Groups formed in around 100 communities to identify local issues, reflect on values and take appropriate action to address social inequality and assist people in need.
After identifying that similar issues needed to be addressed globally, in 1961, the program was extended to communities overseas which request the placement of volunteers to assist develop health, education and other facilities. More recently Palms volunteers have been “opening our hands to the world” in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, including communities in Tanzania, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and indigenous Australia.
Our Vision
People cooperating across cultures in order to achieve a just, sustainable, interdependent and peaceful world free of poverty.
Our Mission
Facilitate, and be open to mutual formation and inspiration, with those who volunteer to:
- Advance the awareness, enthusiasm and involvement of Australian and international communities in shared action to achieve just, sustainable, and peaceful development.
- Participate in an exchange of knowledge and skills to meet the requests of communities seeking to reduce poverty by developing the capacities of their people and organisations.
Our Approach (how we achieve our vision and mission)
The vision and mission will be enabled where all are prepared and inspired to engage mutually enriching and challenging relationships of understanding, acceptance and care, and to share worlds of meaning in the deepest sense, with a people of a culture different from one’s own. This is how we “open our hands to the world” and achieve the solidarity described in Palms’ Values Statement.
Our Values
Solidarity is the key energising value of Palms Australia. Solidarity is a principle arising out our reflection that all living creatures are interdependent and that relationship invites responsibility and therefore solidarity.
Solidarity involves liberation of victims, oppressors and innocent bystanders, allowing all life to live to the full and is not about a vague sort of compassion or shallow distress at others’ misfortune. The more who achieve this potential in life, the greater will be the contribution of all to a common or universal good.
In valuing solidarity we value love that is lived out in respect for the dignity of all life. We value humility lived out in personal integrity and responsibility. We value justice lived out in a willingness to challenge structures that prevent collective participation in creative solutions.
The interaction of these values calls us to further values. The interface of love and humility suggests transparency. The interface of humility and justice suggests ecological sensitivity. The interface of justice and love suggests participative community building. The interface of love, humility and justice gives grace to the value of peace. Movement to such deep peace will be a movement to solidarity.
Palms Encounters
Travel for 12 days to encounter Kiribati or Timor-Leste and visit a variety of development projects. For more information, visit our encounter page. Spaces are limited so early bookings are essential.
August 3 – 14, 2014 – Palms Encounter, Kiribati
September 22 – October 4, 2014 – Palms Encounter, Timor-Leste
September 22 – October 4, 2014 – Palms Encounter, Timor-Leste
A Reflection by Fr Ron Rolheiser OMI
Before you get serious about Jesus, first consider how good you are going to look on wood!
That’s a line from Daniel Berrigan that rightly warns us that faith in Jesus and the resurrection won’t save us from humiliation, pain, and death in this life. Faith isn’t meant to do that. Jesus doesn’t grant special exemptions to his friends, no more than God granted special exemptions to Jesus. We see this everywhere in the Gospels, though most clearly in Jesus’ resurrection. To understand this, it’s helpful to compare Jesus’ resurrection to what Jesus himself does in raising Lazarus from the dead.
The Lazarus story begs a lot of questions. John, the evangelist, tells us the story: He begins by pointing out that Lazarus and his sisters, Martha and Mary, were very close friends of Jesus. Hence, we are understandably taken aback by Jesus’ seeming lack of response to Lazarus’ illness and the request to come and heal him. Here’s the story:
Lazarus’ sisters, Martha and Mary, sent word to Jesus that “the man you love is ill” with the implied request that Jesus should come and heal him. But Jesus’ reaction is curious. He doesn’t rush off immediately to try to heal his close friend. Instead he remains where he is for two days longer while his friend dies. Then, after Lazarus has died, he sets off to visit him. As he approaches the village where Lazarus has died, he is met by Martha and then, later, by Mary. Each, in turn, asks him the question: “Why?” Why, since you loved this man, did you not come to save him from death? Indeed, Mary’s question implies even more: “Why?” Why is it that God invariably seems absent when bad things happen to good people? Why doesn’t God rescue his loved ones and save them from pain and death?
Jesus doesn’t offer any theoretical apologia in response. Instead he asks where they have laid the body, lets them take him there, sees the burial site, weeps in sorrow, and then raises his dead friend back to life. So why did he let him die in the first place? The story begs that question: Why? Why didn’t Jesus rush down to save Lazarus since he loved him?
The answer to that question teaches a very important lesson about Jesus, God, and faith, namely, that God is not a God who ordinarily rescues us, but is rather a God who redeems us. God doesn’t ordinarily intervene to save us from humiliation, pain, and death; rather he redeems humiliation, pain, and death after the fact.
Simply put, Jesus treats Lazarus exactly the same way as God, the Father, treats Jesus: Jesus is deeply and intimately loved by his Father and yet his Father doesn’t rescue him from humiliation, pain, and death. In his lowest hour, when he is humiliated, suffering, and dying on the cross, Jesus is jeered by the crowd with the challenge: “If God is your father, let him rescue you!” But there’s no rescue. Instead Jesus dies inside the humiliation and pain. God raises him up only after his death.
This is one of the key revelations inside the resurrection: We have a redeeming, not a rescuing, God.
Indeed, the story of the raising of Lazarus in John’s Gospel was meant to answer a burning question inside the first generation of Christians: They had known Jesus in the flesh, had been intimate friends with him, had seen him heal people and raise people from the dead, so why was he letting them die? Why wasn’t Jesus rescuing them?
It took the early Christians some time to grasp that Jesus doesn’t ordinarily give special exemptions to his friends, no more than God gave special exemptions to Jesus. So, like us, they struggled with the fact that someone can have a deep, genuine faith, be deeply loved by God, and still have to suffer humiliation, pain, and death like everyone else. God didn’t spare Jesus from suffering and death, and Jesus doesn’t spare us from them.
That is one of the key revelations inside of the resurrection and is the one we perhaps most misunderstand. We are forever predicating our faith on, and preaching, a rescuing God, a God who promises special exemptions to those of genuine faith: Have a genuine faith in Jesus, and you will be spared from life’s humiliations and pains! Have a genuine faith in Jesus, and prosperity will come your way! Believe in the resurrection, and rainbows will surround your life!
Would it were so! But Jesus never promised us rescue, exemptions, immunity from cancer, or escape from death. He promised rather that, in the end, there will be redemption, vindication, immunity from suffering, and eternal life. But that’s in the end; meantime, in the early and intermediate chapters of our lives, there will be the same kinds of humiliation, pain, and death that everyone else suffers.
The death and resurrection of Jesus reveal a redeeming, not a rescuing, God.
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