Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Assistant Priest: Fr Augustine Ezenwelu
mob: 0470 576 857
Postal Address: PO Box 362, Devonport 7310
Parish Office: 90 Stewart Street, Devonport 7310
Office Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10am - 3pm
Office Phone: 6424 2783 Fax: 6423 5160
FaceBook: Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Weekly Newsletter:
Parish Newsletter:
Secretary: Annie Davies/Ann Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Secretary: Annie Davies/Ann Fisher
Pastoral Council Chair: Mary Davies
Archdiocesan Website: for news, information and details of other Parishes.
Our Parish Sacramental Life
Baptism: arrangements are made by contacting Parish Office.
Parents attend a Baptismal Preparation Session on first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist: Are received following a Family–centred, Parish-based, School-supported Preparation Program.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: prepares adults for reception into the Catholic community.
Marriage: arrangements are made by contacting one of our priests - couples attend a pre-marriage Program
Anointing of the Sick: please contact one of our priests
Reconciliation: Ulverstone - Fridays (10am - 10:30am)
Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Penguin - Saturday (5:15pm - 5:45pm)Devonport - Saturday (5:15pm– 5.45pm)
Masses 29th April - 3rd May, 2014
Tuesday: 9:30am Penguin
Wednesday: 9:30am Latrobe
Thursday: 12noon Devon port
Friday: 9:30am Ulverstone, Devonport
Saturday: 9:00am
Weekend 3rd & 4th May, 2014
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Sunday Mass: 8:30am
Port Sorell (L.W.C.)
9:00am Ulverstone
10:30am Devonport
11:00am Sheffield
Devonport: Benediction with Adoration - first Friday of
each month.
Prayer Groups:
Charismatic Renewal - Ulverstone (Community Room) Every
second and fourth Monday of the month 7:30pm - Devonport
(Emmaus House) Thursdays - 7:30pm
Christian Meditation - Devonport, Emmaus House - Wednesdays 7pm.
Ministry Rosters 3rd &
4th May, 2014
Douglas, K Pearce
Ministers of Communion: Vigil M Doyle, M
Heazlewood, S Innes ,
M Gerrand, P Shelverton
10.30am: B Peters, P Bolster, F Sly, J Carter, E McLagan , B Schrader
Cleaners 2nd May: M.W.C.
9th May: S Riley, A Stegmann
Piety Shop 3rd May: H Thompson 4th May C Schrader Flowers: J Cox, S O'Rourke
Reader: K McKenzie Ministers of Communion: E Standring , M Fennell, E & K Reilly
Cleaners: K Bourke,
L Griffiths Flowers: G Doyle Hospitality: M & K McKenzie
Greeters: G & N Pearce Commentator:
Readers: A Landers,
M Kenney
Procession: M & D Hiscutt Ministers of Communion: A Hyland, E Nickols Music: M Bowles
Liturgy: Sulphur Creek J Setting Up: A Landers Care of Church: G Hills-Eade, A Landers
Port Sorell:
Readers: V Duff, G Duff Ministers of Communion: D Leaman, L Post
Clean /Prepare/Flowers: B
Lee, A Holloway
Zeb Stafford, Kieran McVeigh, Tony Becker, Rex
Evans, Tom & Nico Knaap,
Kieran Simpson, Shanon Breaden, Jamie Griffiths and Anne
Let us pray for those who have died recently:
Lillian Stubbs, Sandy Cowling, Brian
Harradine, Jane Dutton, Sr Valerie
and Nancye Callinan.
and Nancye Callinan.
Let us pray for those whose
anniversary occurs about this time:
O'Rourke, Brian McCormick, Michael Harvey, William Cloney, Catherine Johnson,
Julie Horniblow, Peter Rae, Mary Edmunds, Robert
Cooper and Courtney Bryan
they Rest in Peace
Prego Reflection on the Gospel
As usual, I ready myself slowly. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me enter the Gospel scene ... I try to feel the fear and tension of the disciples.
I might be able to recall times in my life when I may have locked myself away from certain people, or difficult situations. Are there circumstances now when I close the door of my heart to the Lord or to others?
I stay with this for a while noticing how I feel.
I then watch as the Lord enters the room. I let the joy of the disciples wash over me. I look intently into the face of the Lord as he says to me ‘Peace’. How does this make me feel?
When I am ready, I listen to Thomas’ cry of recognition:“My Lord and my God!” Where and in whom do I recognize the Risen Lord?
Before ending my prayer, I simply spend some quiet moments in the presence of my Lord and my God , letting him love me.
First Reading : Acts 2:14,22-33 Second Reading : 1 Peter 1:17-21 Gospel: Luke 24:13-35
Thanks to everyone who assisted, participated in or simply
was part of the Ceremonies of Holy Week and the Easter Masses last
weekend. This was my first experience of
a larger Parish Community since my days as the PP of Glenorchy which ended with
my appointment to New Norfolk in 1995. In recent years I have worked with much
smaller communities so to be able to share these special days with larger
communities was really great – thank you.
As mentioned in last week’s Newsletter, and at the Masses I
celebrated, next Friday, 2nd May, is the next ‘Meet and Greet’ Party within the
Parish – this time to be held in the Community Room at Sacred Heart Church,
Ulverstone. The gathering will commence at 7.30pm and will be in the same style
as the February gathering at Devonport – nibbles and wine provided – any other
poison is BYO. It will also be an opportunity to update the Community on the
state of play as regards the Affordable Housing project and the other plans
that have been proposed for the Ulverstone Church Precinct and where we are up
to with them. Parishioners are invited
to come to the Church Community room at 6.30pm next Friday for a brief meeting
and then stay for the ‘party’ when we will either celebrate what is coming or
‘drown our sorrows’ – depending on what people want to do.
I mentioned when I arrived that I would like to be able to
arrange to see all those parishioners who are housebound who receive Communion
regularly (and also hoping to find out if there are others whom we should be
visiting) – unfortunately that hasn’t been as successful as I would have hoped.
But I would ask that if you are one of those wonderful parishioners who take
Communion to the sick and/or housebound could you please give a list of your
current parishioners to our Parish Office – please write the names and
addresses down with phone numbers (if possible) and send it in.
This week I have been at the funeral of two wonderful
people. The first as a concelebrant – the funeral of the late Brian Harradine –
was a wonderful example of what we do as Catholics to acknowledge the glory of
the Resurrection with all the ceremony that the liturgy provides. The second
was the funeral of a close friend where the pomp and ceremony were not present
but the real glory of the Resurrection was just as evident. In spite of the
differences in the celebrations both reminded me that we are an Easter People
and that we all share in the glory of the Risen Christ and in our lives we are
called to proclaim this wonderful mystery to all the world.
Until next week, take care on the roads and in your homes,
Fr Mike
Spirituality in the “Coffee Shoppe”
Come and enjoy a
relaxed morning coffee. Chat about some of the issues of living a Christian
life. All welcome!
Monday 28th April – 10.30am – 12 noon
Prayer: Our Deepest Longing
Together we will explore the richness of prayer and develop
a way that engages our hearts to commit to praying on a regular basis.
Facilitator: Maureen O’Halloran Bookings appreciated. Cost: $50 Five sessions on Thursday evening
during May: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th
Due to
unforeseen circumstances the seminar
entitled “The Josephite Spirit” - Saturday 3rd May is
cancelled until further notice.
Men &
Spirituality with Drasko Dizdar
The next men’s gathering
will be at MacKillop Hill, Forth on Monday 5th May,
7.30pm - 9 pm. This is an
opportunity for men to gather, share and search for the deeper meaning in their
lives. All men welcome! Bring a friend!
Mother’s Day Morning Tea
Friday 9th May 10.30
- 12noon Cost
$8.00 a head. Come and celebrate Mother’s Day with
morning tea at our Centre. Make up a
party or come on your own. Fun for all! Bookings
necessary by the 6th May to help with the catering.
Email: Phone: 6428:3095
HEALING MASS - St Mary's Catholic Church Penguin
Catholic Charismatic Renewal, are sponsoring a HEALING MASS
at St Mary’s Catholic Church Penguin on Thursday 8th May 2014, commencing at
All denominations are welcome to come and celebrate the
liturgy in a vibrant and dynamic way using charismatic praise and worship, with
the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing.
After Mass, teams will be available for individual prayer.
Please bring a friend and a plate for supper and fellowship
in the adjacent hall.
If you wish to know more or require local transport, please
contact Celestine Whiteley on 6424 2043,
or Michael Gaffney on 0447 018 068 at Devonport
or Zoe Smith at Latrobe on 6426 3073
Please remember that Care and Concern is available in the
Parish. If you are aware of anyone who is in need of assistance and has given
permission to be contacted by Care and Concern, please phone the Parish Office
on 6424:2783.
By the end of 2012, the number of forcibly
displaced people worldwide exceeded 45 million, the highest level of
displacement since 1994. These are men, women and children driven from their
homes by war or civil violence.
Often these people are forced to seek refuge in countries
that are themselves facing significant struggles. Eighty per cent of refugees
are seeking protection in developing countries, making it even harder for those
nations to lift themselves out of poverty.”
From the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Social Justice
Statement 2013-2014: Lazarus at our Gate: A critical moment in the fight
against world poverty.
FOOTY MARGIN: Round 5 Richmond
won by 43 points Winners: A Davies, M Murray
BINGO Thursday Nights - OLOL Hall, Devonport. Eyes down 7.30pm!
Callers for Thursday 1st May are Jon
Halley & Peter Bolster
Thank you to all the children who have sent in their
beautiful drawings. We will share them
with the parish over the coming weeks.
We would love to receive more pictures.
A colour copy can be sent to the parish office of emailed to
by Luke aged 6 |
Jesus Died for us by Makenzi aged 9 |
Evangelii Gaudium
‘In all its activities,
the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelisers. It is a
community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the
midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach.’
The confession of venial sins is
strongly recommended by the Church, even if this is not strictly necessary,
because it helps us to form a correct conscience and to fight against evil
tendencies. It allows us to be healed by Christ and to progress in the life of
the spirit.
From: Compendium
of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Paragraph 306 (Contributed by the Catholic
Enquiry Centre
Saint of the Week – St Catherine
of Siena , Doctor
of the Church (April 29)
Born in Siena ,
on March 25, 1347, Catherine was the youngest of 26 children. During her youth
she had to contend with her parents trying to marry her off. However, she
managed to retain the vow of virginity she took when she was 7, and her parents
eventually let her join the lay order, the Third Order of St Dominic.
She lived in poverty, prayed extensively and routinely
visited people who were sick, in hospital and in prison. Catherine was so
effective at touching hearts that the Friars Preachers had to assign three
priests to handle the confessions of her penitents.
A staunch supporter
of the Papacy, she also dictated books full of doctrine and spiritual
inspiration. She died on April 29, 1380 and was declared a Doctor of the Church
in 1970.
SOCIAL JUSTICE – Proposed legislative changes pose concern
Federal Government has signalled its intention to amend of the Racial
Discrimination Act 1975. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Catholic Council (NATSICC) has several concerns and questions regarding these
comes from love, all is ordained for the salvation of man, God does nothing
without this goal in mind. St Catherine of Siena
The original post can be found at
The poet, Rumi, submits that we live with a deep secret that sometimes we know, and then not.
That can be very helpful in understanding our faith. One of the reasons why we struggle with faith is that God’s presence inside us and in our world is rarely dramatic, overwhelming, sensational, something impossible to ignore. God doesn’t work like that. Rather God’s presence, much to our frustration and loss of patience sometimes, is something that lies quiet and seemingly helpless inside us. It rarely makes a huge splash.
Because we are not sufficiently aware of this, we tend to misunderstand the dynamics of faith and find ourselves habitually trying to ground our faith on precisely something that is loud and dramatic. We are forever looking for something beyond what God gives us. But we should know from the very way God was born into our world, that faith needs to ground itself on something that is quiet and undramatic. Jesus, as we know, was born into our world with no fanfare and no power, a baby lying helpless in the straw, another child among millions. Nothing spectacular to human eyes surrounded his birth. Then, during his ministry, he never performed miracles to prove his divinity; but only as acts of compassion or to reveal something about God. Jesus never used divine power in an attempt to prove that God exists, beyond doubt. His ministry, like his birth, wasn’t an attempt to prove God’s existence. It was intended rather to teach us what God is like and that God loves us unconditionally.
Moreover, Jesus’ teaching about God’s presence in our lives also makes clear that this presence is mostly quiet and hidden, a plant growing silently as we sleep, yeast leavening dough in a manner hidden from our eyes, summer slowly turning a barren tree green, an insignificant mustard plant eventually surprising us with its growth, a man or woman forgiving an enemy. God, it seems, works in ways that are quiet and hidden from our eyes. The God that Jesus incarnates is neither dramatic nor splashy.
And there’s an important faith-lesson in this. Simply put, God lies inside us, deep inside, but in a way that’s almost non-existent, almost unfelt, largely unnoticed, and easily ignored. However, while that presence is never overpowering, it has within it a gentle, unremitting imperative, a compulsion towards something higher, which invites us to draw upon it. And, if we do draw upon it, it gushes up in us in an infinite stream that instructs us, nurtures us, and fills us with endless energy.
This is important for understanding faith. God lies inside us as an invitation that fully respects our freedom, never overpowers us; but also never goes away. It lies there precisely like a baby lying helpless in the straw, gently beckoning us, but helpless in itself to make us pick it up.
For example, C.S. Lewis, in explaining why he finally became, in his words, “the most reluctant convert in the history of Christendom”, writes that, for years, he was able to effectively ignore a voice inside him, precisely, because it was almost non-existent, almost unfelt, and largely unnoticed. On the other hand, in retrospect, he realized it had always been there, a gentle, incessant nudge, beckoning him to draw from it, something he eventually recognized as a gentle, but unyielding, imperative, a “compulsion” which, if obeyed, leads to liberation.
Ruth Burrows, the British Carmelite and mystic, describes a similar experience in her autobiography, Before the Living God. Chronicling her late adolescent years, Burrows describes both her religious flightiness and her lack of attraction to the religious life at that time in her life. Yet she eventually ends up not only being serious about religion but becoming a Carmelite nun. What happened? One day, in a chapel, almost against her will, triggered by a series of accidental circumstances, she opened herself to voice inside her that she had, until then, mainly ignored because it lay inside her precisely as a voice that was almost non-existent, almost unfelt, and largely unnoticed. But once touched, it gushed up as the deepest and most real thing inside her and set the direction of her life forever afterwards. Like C.S. Lewis, she too, once she had opened herself to it, felt it as an unyielding moral compulsion opening her to ultimate liberation.
Why doesn’t God show himself to us more directly and more powerfully so as to make faith easier? That’s a fair question for which, partly, there is no fully satisfying answer. But the answer we do have lies in understanding the manner in which God manifests himself in our lives and in our world. Unlike most everything else that’s trying to get our attention, God never tries to overwhelm us. God, more than anyone else, respects our freedom. For this reason, God lies everywhere, inside us and around us, almost unfelt, largely unnoticed, and easily ignored, a quiet, gentle nudge; but, if drawn upon, the ultimate stream of love and energy.